Identify, please?


Active Member
While I had this rock in my sink (killing aiptasia) I noticed these two things on my new live rock. When the rock is in the tank these things just look like black "burn" marks on the rock, but when I saw them out of the water they were shiny, soft and elevated. Any ideas what these are?

I've got a couple on some of my live rock too, but I saddly do not know what it is at the moment.
It is possibly some type of bacteria growth or algae, but I would lean towards the bacteria more IMO. It looks slimey out of the water but your right, when it is submerged it is very dark and black looking.

scopus tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by SueAndHerZoo
Are you just saying that to get me back in to my "KILL" mode?

mmmmmmhaha! But in all seriousness, no - as Henry said - tough to say without them in their environment, but those do look similar to aiptasia I've seen out of water - keep a close eye on the little buggers and keep your fingers crossed that they are something else.


Active Member
I'll keep you posted so we can determine who the winner is. When the rock is in the tank it looks flush with the rock - like a smudge of black paint or something..... not shiny - dull and flat.
Stay tuned . . .


Active Member
Does stay tuned mean you will post a picture of it in the tank? (I hope, I hope, I hope)