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I have a branching lobo (it's a rescue) so some of the heads are not as full as others.
But yeah, that's be my guess also.
IME, I have mine on the bottum of a 30 inch tank and the top heads still bleach out from to much light. All the heads around the edges and below look much better.
Feed it. If it's healthy, the feeders can come out as far as an inch!
Pending of course, that that's what it is...
I'll try to find a pic of mine since my lights are off now. Mine is red though.
Yeah I think it's what it is. It's actually splitting heads at the moment, that's why that one head looks more swollen in the picks than others. I've been researching it a little this weekend and it seems to be a rare coral and the one LFS offered us money for it when we showed them a picture. It's one of my favorite corals in the tank though, so it must stay. We feed it quite often, seems to really like Mysis. What do you feed yours?