Identify these little red things please



These appear to be little eggs of some sort. They are attached to the rock by a film. I have two tomato clowns and suspect they have mated as they both seem possessive og the area this is located in. It was surrounded by 3 anemones but one moved right before this was discovered. By the way, the anemones were originally 1, but divided itself into 3... I thought clowns lay eggs in the tentacles of an anemone for protection. Any ideas what these are?


Active Member
I think you thought right.
Clowns usually lay their eggs close to a anemone.. not in the anemone.


Ahhh, well, these are a couple inches away from the largest of the 3 bubble tips... The smaller of the two clowns, (male) is frequently looking at them very closely and will swim right up next to them whenever the angel comes near. They are attached to the rock where an anemone once was attached. If I had to guess, I'd say they are eggs and the male is protecting them, but I've never seen clowns breed in captivity. If they are, I suppose the other fish will eat the fry unless they get right into the anemones and stay put...


Active Member
They will end up hatching and they will become zooplankton for the rest of your tank unless you have a special setup and some extra time on your hands to care for the babys.
On a side note... nice to see someone close to me (Tampa). If you wanna know some great LFS's just lemme know ;)


Active Member
Originally Posted by lockemup
These appear to be little eggs of some sort. They are attached to the rock by a film. I have two tomato clowns and suspect they have mated as they both seem possessive og the area this is located in. It was surrounded by 3 anemones but one moved right before this was discovered. By the way, the anemones were originally 1, but divided itself into 3... I thought clowns lay eggs in the tentacles of an anemone for protection. Any ideas what these are?
Your going to be a parent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :cheer: :cheer:


I have one of those breeding box things, but do not believe I will be able to catch any new babies once they hatch. I have the 3 anemones and a 4th which was originally their host when I bought the clowns. I'm hoping the babies find their way into one of the anemones...

bang guy

Originally Posted by lockemup
I have one of those breeding box things, but do not believe I will be able to catch any new babies once they hatch. I have the 3 anemones and a 4th which was originally their host when I bought the clowns. I'm hoping the babies find their way into one of the anemones...
The babies will just be fish larve. Food for the tank. Even if they find an Anemone the parents will eat them. Even if nothing ate them they would starve to death in 2 or 3 days.


I did a water change today. I removed the rock with the eggs from the tank and put it in my QT with about 8 gallons of the removed water and 1 gallon of newly mixed saltwater. Right now, I am only running an airstone in it for oxygen and we will see what happens. I can mix a cc of phyto and cyclopedes weekly to feed the water and hopefully I can get a few to survive... They should be hatching any time...


Cool! right now, I have about 40 little fry swimming around in my QT. :jumping:


thats awsome man congrats! lol...
i dont think its going to be that easy though... if youd really like to raise them in the future ask Bang for advise.