Identify this Anemone please


Active Member
I rescued this anemone from my LFS. They had it under NO lighting for a long period of time and it was declining. It appears that it is improving under my halides but it doesnt seem to want to eat? When I rescued it I believed it to be a Green Bubble Tip but that is somewhat in question. I have to admit that I know very little about the different anemone species. Here is a progression of pictures from the time I brought it home. My questions are these:
1. What type of anemone is it? Do BTAs even have a red base?
2. It seems to be a little lighter in color (from the time I bbut there seems to be more fullness in the tenticles. It has only moved once since I put it in the tank and it is staying attached. Based on the pictures would you say it is improving in health?
Please let me know what you think!! Thank you very much for any help or advice!!
1/2/04 - Picture right after adding it to the tank


Active Member
Here is what it's base looks like. Please let me know if it looks like it is improving and what kind of anemone it is - Thanks again!!


I dont know if u can note improvement in 5 days, but it seems upset. its a m. doreensis, orangebase/long tentacle anemone. they are pretty hardy as anemones go, but dont like being on rock generally. if u dont have anywhere with a DSB try to find a friend that does. IME if they dont have the opportunity to bury their base they stress more until they die

Active Member
mark i think it is looking alot better then when you first put it in your tank as for eating it night take some time and you can try to give it other food other then what you at trying to feed it. i have read that it is a bad sign when they will not stay attached.


J-Cal is right they like to have the base in the sand bed. They will also grow pretty fast. I had one that was the same colors. Pretty hardy also. But get it in the sand.


Active Member
How would it do under 260w of PC lighting? I have it under halides right now in my frag tank, but as you can see it has egg crate down as the bottom. Thanks!


I had mine in a 75gal with 440 of VHO's and it did really well .It grew very fast also. But my ballast went out and I had no light for 5 days and I lost it and many really great corals. Now I just work to perfect my water quality and lighting , then I will invest in some more corals. Well more than I have now.


Active Member
if they are fed well, they can thrive under most light. Back when I got into the hobby and was young and stupid (now I'm just old and stupid), I had one in a 75g reef with 120w NO light. I fed it 2-3 times per week and it outgrew the tank in about 8 months.


Active Member
I have moved it into the other tank (in the sand). At first my Yellow Banded Maroon Clown was getting nasty with it and he appered to be chewing violantly at it's edges and I was about to take the anemone out of the tank. He has now pushed it over against the rock work and appears to be almost flossing his teeth with the tenticles and is beginning to rub against it kind of like he has found a new home. He had been hosting in a hairy mushroom for a while but he seems to be concentrating back and forth from the HM to the new anemone. Is it possible the biting is an attempt to get the anemone to try to sting him so he knows what to expect as far as the anemone's sting? Kind of sizing it up before calling it home? Is he cleaning the tenticles when he flossing with them? Any ideas? Thanks


Active Member
my maroon clown did that with his bta at first... biting the tentacles, but not hard enough to do any damage. lasted a day, maybe 2... then they were inseparable.


Active Member
Thank you very much!! The lights are out now and he is sitting in the anemome. I think it may have helped that I hid the hairy mushrooms on the other side of the reef where he rarely goes!