Identify this goniopora?


New Member
2 unidentified goniopora, 3 unidentified alveopora in this LPS specialty system.
yellowish green, very flourescent, short tentacles...anyone know this species?


Thats deffinately a gino, I know they are hard to take care of like high light, irradict flow, and need a lot of feedings. I looks like a green gino, but there are many different kinds. Somre are encrusting, which this does not appear to me. It may just need to acclimate more and the polyps will probably extend more. If you are thinking about buying one there long term success rate is almost 0 and it will die in about 6-12 months. Also if there is any damage or die off it will most likly wither away and die in about 1-2 months. They are beautiful, but almost never survive sadly.


New Member
Gino? Its quite difficult, however Its growing nicely, 8 months. All small polyps seen inbetween large ones have grown in house. So recommend a comprehensive identifying guide book to this gennus? Books I have seen were not uniform in identification....I want another one its quite fascinating, what other color variants have you seen? I do well with goniopora/alveopora very good long term success(very demanding requrements) and thats all i basically will work with. Unfortunately for the corals not much is even known about what species they even are. Thats the problem I am having identification...