Identify this Invertebrate!


No picture, sorry, but it is simple and easy to describe.
This invertebrate is on several of my rocks. It lives in a small white tube (similar to the tube of a small feather duster).
Out of this tube, comes two long thin strands that wave around in the water. These two strands can retract back into the white tube, and do when a crab or a fish touches them. There is one near a group of three large feather dusters that used to come out all the time, but now these three large feather dusters (still the small ones in the white tubes, they were just uncharacteristically large compared to the rest on the rock) seem to be dead or dieing. One never comes out anymore, one looks pretty decent, and another looks pretty bad, but still comes out often.
Anybody know what these are and if they are anything very bad? It doesn't seem like they are really causing any problems (except for maybe the feather dusters) but I'm very curious as to what this is.
Thank you!