If anyone that is on now knows anything about valentini puffers please reply!


New Member
I put up a post earlier about a valentini puffer and just wanted to know if anyone knows if it would be safe with a blue tang, yellow tang, purple pseudochrome, clown fish, chocolate chip starfish, and a purple lobster. My biggest concern are the inverts since i have read it will eat shrimp. Let me know if anyone knows anything about them. Thanks!
Carmen :happyfish


I bought a valentini puffer (2") about 2 weeks ago. He immediately ate all of my snails (small). I thought long and hard about what to do with him and decided to try large turbo snails and larger size hermits.. So far so good and it has been over a week and he doesn't bother them anymore. I think he has realized he is too small for the larger inverts. Your lobster will probably be toast though. Mine is in a 55g reef setup that has roughly 70-80 pounds of rock so it keeps him busy. Plus he is a cool fish.


Active Member
it depends largly upon the fish. some will eat inverts like your CCS and PRL, and some wont.
mine doesnt bother anything except he sometimes picks at my clownfish if he gets grumpy form not being fed.