If i go aggressive


Active Member
Does this sound ok for a 75 gal if i go aggressive?
black trigger
huma huma trigger (iam thinking i can only have one huh:( )
leaf fish and or frog fish
dwarf lion
thats it! suggestions-comments-replacements r welcome!!!


I am doing a similar setup with 2 more in an 85. Just make sure to get the triggers last. the sfe is awesome; I just got mine yesterday.


Active Member
With two more whta? fish?
Acually i think iam getting a 135 mabe 180 just talked to a guy, iam going to his house on sat. I hope i get one


yeah im pretty sure a panther would do good in that size tank..i think there really cool too..when i get my bigger tank im gonna get one.


Active Member
Panther groupers get extremely large very fast. IMO they also loose most of their coloring and become ugly with size. I would suggest a miniatus grouper if you want to put a grouper in the tank. And I would definitely scratch the lion from your list. Frog fish can be difficult also... They are ambush predators and might have a hard time getting food if it is all eaten before it get down to them.


Active Member
What kind of budget? The fish I would put in there might be quite a bit more than you are wanting to spend. Like maybe $1000 for 5 or 6 fish.


Active Member
well just one of the fish i want will cost $1000 so no budget.......j/k I will spend like mabe 50 at most on one fish


Active Member
Well then i can't give you too many suggestions except to start with small fish and watch them grow. I would say your list minus the frog fish and dwarf lion would be a good start. Another fish I really like that are pretty cheap are porcupine puffers.


Active Member
72" long , 18" deep, 23" high
My tank is too small for sharks or rays and anyways if i get a shark i couldnt have triggers or lions


my father in law has had his lion and huma together for about 2 years now and has had no problems. just start them out abou the same size. i'll make a suggestion but this is personal opinion only, dont get a grouper. theyre ugly as sin and will eat anything they can fit in their mouth. if you do get one, get him last and dont plan on adding any other fish
alright. it all depends on how agressive you wanna go. sharks are pretty aggresive, i have a 7-8 inch long bamboo shark in my tank ofcourse im going to get a larger tank for him in a couple years, but sharks usually stunt out to the size of the aquarium. iwouldnt mix triggers with lions, triggers tend to nip at anything, unless you introduce the trigger last. eels are great aquarium fish, i have a 1 ft loong snowflake eel and hes pretty fun to watch, another good thing bout them is that ther pretty much immune to any disease. lions are great fish unless around smaller more docile fish, the lion will probibly eat them if they fit into his mouth, also with the lion make sure you have alot of hiding places for at night, or wene feeld threatened. dragon wrasses are pretty agresive also but great fish to watch, if you want a really pretty dangeriouse looking fish go with the dragon moray eel, the only thing is is that ther 1000 dollers thats what put him of my list. frogfish , scorpionfish are also agressive, they are very poiseniouse tho. im me if you have any other questions.