If i got rid of my Volitan lionfish.....


Active Member
Would i have for room to put more fish in my tank?
Right now i have a Striped puffer(3-4in) chainlink eel(8-9in)diamond goby(4in). NOT INCLUDING MY V.LION


Active Member

Originally posted by jamos6
what r u goign to put in there and why are you getting rid of your loin?

Well i herd i can put some more fish in my tank then. Iam planning on getting a flame angel. I saw one at the pet store today and i fell in love with that fish.


How much for the volitan? Can I see some pics? I would like to have a pair, and the lfs sells them for WAY too much. Id buy it for like $60... Depending on size and shape.


Active Member
$60! Well...... i will have to get some pics up. But my freind wants lion so iam selling it to him for $25. I don't want to upset my freind.