if i use glass for the baffles in my sump.. what thickness should i use


Active Member
im thinking about useing glass for my baffles. should have about 6-700 gph flow through the sump. im thinkin 1/4 inch or could i get away with a little thinner useing glass over acrylic. i thought about acrylic but ive heard how it dont like to stick to silacone. and glass seems to be a little bit cheaper. and if anyone has a 20g long that they made into a sump/fuge post a pic of it cause im still looking for ideas

nm reef

Active Member
...may not help much if you are set on using glass. But I installed a series of acrylic dividers in my 29 gal sump with silicone and I've not had any problems. They've been in place for about 2 years now and the flow rate is about 800-900 GPH.:thinking:


Active Member
I've also had decent luck with acrylic so far, I think I only used 1/10" acrylic and used silicone on both sides of the baffle, I have 3 in my 20H, IMO glass would bond better but is much more of a pain to get cut right


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im not at all set on glass.. i do know that acrylic will work good... heard it really depends on how you silacone it. i was just hoping to save some money and use glass. the only sheet of 1/4 inch acrylic i can get up at lowes is 37.95. thats more than i payed for the tank im useing as my sump.. and i would have alot left over that would go to waste
Go to your local glass company, tell them what you are doing and see if they will donate some scraps of acrylic. I cut mine on a tablesaw


Active Member
why would you use 1/4" acrylic, I used 1/10" thick acrylic and was $7 a sheet and was enough to make 3 6" tall baffles


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i was going to us 1/4 inch cause i heard if you do less than that its not as durable and tends to bow.


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I use 1/10" because they aren't load bearing walls, I have the first chamber for the overflow to flow into which also has the skimmer and heater, it then flows over the first baffle, under the second and then over the third baffle into the second sump chamber, the return pump is there, I keep that chamber filled to the top of the baffle, that way if the water level in the return area starts to fall I know there has been some evaporation and add some RO/DI water, take my word for it you don't need 1/4" acrylic don't waste your money
zanemoseley how tall are your baffles. i have mine the same way with one more at the end with the refugium in the center of a 29 gal. tank and my return is in that last section. but the water level is always going real low and it makes bubbles going back to the tank. i probablly sometimes put 1 - 2 gals of ro water back in every day. i made my baffles 9" is that to tall. and i did use 1/4" plexi glass it stuck real well i just put the silacone on both side to.


Active Member
mine are 6" tall and I get very few microbubbles back to the display but when I started the tank up I got a bunch because the overflow flowing into the sump caused many bubbles and high flow through the sump, because of the high flow the bubbles got sucked through the baffles anyway and got chopped up by the return pump causing the microbubbles, I fixed the problem by restricting the flow of the return pump using a ball valve on the return line, my pump is now runnning at 60-70%, the most I could run the return pump was about 90% because more than that and the overflow couldn't keep up, if you draw a picture of you sump system with microsoft paint or something I'll try to help with your problem, also list you overflow, skimmer and return pump


Active Member
overflow.. dunno really its being built for me picking it up sunday. it will be a hang on.. return pump will be a mag 7. i really dont have to much of a clue of how i want to do my baffels.. im useing a hang on skimmer.(aqua clear aquatics hob 150)


I read someone say that they cut it with a table saw...I am going to be cutting some soon and wondered if you had any ill effects? I heard it might melt the acrylic?


Active Member
Don't know if this will help you, but if the water level will be close on either side of the baffle, you can use the thinner stuff.
It won't bow because their will be equal pressure on both sides.


Active Member
for cutting I used a Xacto blade looking thing made for scoring acrylic, you drag the back edge of the tool and notch the acrylic where you want to cut it then you simply snap it, if you want to use a table saw to cut it I've heard you're suppose to turn the blade backwards