If I was rich.......(look at this tank!)



this is the aquarium at my casino, 30-40,000 gallons i think will a 4 foot black tipped reef,three foot leopard and two huge green morays and 450 other fish
pic might not work


man i wish i could bring a camera in there and that would be the hallway in my dream home to the kitchen LOL


Well, color ME flattered!!! I'm Michael by the way and that's my tank you guys are heaping so many kind words upon. Thank you very much, sincerely. Your compliments are much appreciated.
I am currently out of town on business so forgive me if I'm getting to your questions late. First of all, yeah, I'm the Married...With Children, guy. When they did that interview for the E Channel, I tried using the reef as a diversion but, unfortunately, they kept focusing on me anyway. Sorry. Now, I'm simply a plain old outdoor photographer with a wife, kid, and 500g reef to feed.
Slothy: You may not go broke on the feeding schedule but you definately would have no social life. With all those Anthias, by the time I finish feeding one end of the tank, the guys on the other end are hungry again.
FireEater: Yeah, I had a bit of cyano in the refugium too. Not nearly as much as I had in the main tank though. Now that I've stepped up cirulation in the refugium, it's totally gone there. Still have a little bit in the main tank but I'm definitely on the winning side, I think.
sammystingray: Sorry about that window thing. We (the web designer and myself) went back and forth about that issue and he decided it was better for them to stay open. I shall punish him forthwith. I shall make him feed my Anthias.
mercedes: Got a dog. Passes gas like an Edsel. No thanks.
Danrw84: Unless somethings totally out of whack, I'd say I spend no more than an hour a day now. I do have a service guy come out sometimes though, especially during times like this when I'm on the road. He probably spends 6-8 hours a week.
entice59: We're discussing doing a little 'movie' for the website update...as if the dialup guys aren't mad enough at me already.
jamesurg: Actually, the first few years were UGLY: Mantis shrimp, Valonia outbreaks, and I wasn't home nearly as much as I thought I'd be so I didn't shoot much. Don't worry. You didn't miss anything. Just a ton of live rock sitting in ariated trashcans with a crying man lying in a fetal position between them.
Everyone Else: Thank You, Thank You, and again, Thank you.
Look for a site update in about a month (or two). Later.


Active Member
Welcome Mike,:) You are a great reefer , your tank is Awesome,
hope you will enlighten us with your experiences with that tank of yours


Ive got to say!
That is one heck of a tank man, very very nicely done. That purple acro id brighter then all my coralline... im doin something wrong. But what i really liked, and I would love to know what happens. When you let the two acrose encrust and form the white little battle field, where the mucus comes out. I wonder what would happen if you leave it out.
Otherwise, welcome aboard there are a whole bunch of us in NJ, CT and NY on here and I would love too see you at reef meeting. Yes we travel cause were geeks!
Take care! :D


Active Member
I've had your website on my Favorites list on my Toolbar for a couple of weeks. Not just the list, the Toolbar, and there're only three positions on there. Simply amazing site.


Active Member
I think everything has been said, but I'll add my 2 cents. AMAZING! That is one beautiful setup! Great job 64Ivy! You are my new hero!


Active Member
64Ivy - you ROCK!!! I seriously spent parts of four days @ work doing nothing but looking @ your tank and website .....


Wow !!! that is an amazing tank :eek: .
I see that you are in CT. What part of CT are you in ?? I'd love to come over sometime to look at the tank ! Just amazing !



Originally posted by Dazed1
Wow !!! that is an amazing tank :eek: .
I see that you are in CT. What part of CT are you in ?? I'd love to come over sometime to look at the tank ! Just amazing !

I'm in Greenwich. E-mail me through the site.


Active Member
Where are the brittlestars? Just kidding. But they would be lovely. They really are. I have no bias, BTW. No one could even suggest such a thing :D
Lebowski, while I agree with you that many people have great looking tanks, I disagree that there is 'nothing special' with the tank in question! I wouldn't mind having any of them, this one included. :D
I respect, admire and praise hard work and great reefkeeping when it is so clearly evident in healthy growing animals. Fantastic!



Originally posted by 64Ivy
I'm in Greenwich. E-mail me through the site.

Ok, unfortunately i cannot email you through the site. When you click profile, it open's a new window which leads back to swf.com instead of the profile :mad: .
If you don't mind, could you please email me your email id ?
my id is : mayurbhatia@ usa.net (no space after the@ ;) )
Edit : ok, i figured that out, now it say's :
Sorry! That user has specified that they do not wish to receive emails through this board. If you still wish to send an email to this user, please contact the administrator and they may be able to help.


Active Member
WOW NICE TANK, im kinda giving up on my tank, but i must say i like the looks of yours a lot. But the real reason that i wrote is becasue Married With Children is my favorite show. GOOD JOB ON THAT. i still watch all the reruns. what's the reason it went off air? again, I LOVE MARRIED WITH CHILDREN.



Originally posted by HNF2K
... the real reason that i wrote is becasue Married With Children is my favorite show. . .what's the reason it went off air?

"MWC" ran for nearly 11 seasons and amassed a total of 262 episodes. That puts it in the Top Ten Longest Running Sitcoms of All Time.
The reason we stopped was because we were tired. ;)


Active Member
bah, you should've kept going, it seems like that show was the peak of all their careers(the actors).