If one more Texan....


Active Member
No. It's that they don't want to go as fast me. Most times I often have to wait for them to move over as well. Actually no, lemme correct that. They will try and mirror and keep up with me, which just further irriates me, as they have to be in front, but they always slow down and think that I want to as well. And when I try to go around they speed up.
But it isn't about me. It's that they think they can come over no matter what, and we'll always let them in. Obivously I pay attention to the road and when they try and squeeze their way in, I can either let them in or cause a multi-car pile-up. But what happens when they try that move on someone who isn't paying attention? They try it on the mini-van in front of me, with the mom too busy yelling at her kids, and he knocks them into the guardrail? And I get rear ended/pushed into them, because the person behind me couldn't stop as fast?
My main point in all of this is that driving is getting worse. 10 years cutting someone off like that was a huge deal. When is this bleeding going to stop? If these idiots are allowed to perform these moronic actions, I can guarantee you they are going to start trying something more asinine else soon.


Active Member
Originally Posted by AquaKnight
No. It's that they don't want to go as fast me. Most times I often have to wait for them to move over as well. Actually no, lemme correct that. They will try and mirror and keep up with me, which just further irriates me, as they have to be in front, but they always slow down and think that I want to as well. And when I try to go around they speed up.
But it isn't about me. It's that they think
they can come over no matter what, and we'll always let them in. Obivously I pay attention to the road and when they try and squeeze their way in, I can either let them in or cause a multi-car pile-up. But what happens when they try that move on someone who isn't paying attention? They try it on the mini-van in front of me, with the mom too busy yelling at her kids, and he knocks them into the guardrail? And I get rear ended/pushed into them, because the person behind me couldn't stop as fast?
My main point in all of this is that driving is getting worse. 10 years cutting someone off like that was a huge deal. When is this bleeding going to stop? If these idiots are allowed to perform these moronic actions, I can guarantee you they are going to start trying something more asinine else soon.
I used to drive 40,000 - 50,000 miles a year doing Field Service work in South Texas. I've seen pretty much all the aggressive and passive drivers you'll ever know. I can honestly say not much has changed since then, with the exception of the speed limit. You want frustration, try driving from San Antonio to El Paso at 55MPH. The trick is you have to drive defensively. Watch as far ahead as possible to see what the traffic is doing, and which lane is slower than the other. Try to avoid the aggressive, lane switching drivers. Don't try to keep up with them, or keep them from getting past you. I usually drive 5 - 10MPH over the limit on long trips. That's a comfortable range for Texas highways, and the cops normally leave you alone. Any faster than that and you're sure to run into slower traffic and the bottlenecks you describe. Based on what you're saying, you seem to go a bit faster than that. The drivers aren't getting any worse, they just don't want to drive as fast as you, and also don't bother to get out of your way. They're not bad drivers, they just aren't courteous. Probably too busy yapping on their cell phones to even notice you. Sounds to me you need to be living in Germany and driving the Autobahn.


Active Member
Yea, I used to drive a lot too. I ran parts/switches trucks/etc for a marine repair company. I did 20,000 miles in one summer. But yea, if the conditions are right, I have no problems setting cruise for at least 15mph over our 70mph limit. Daytime being the main condition so I can scan the horizon for cops. Night or rain I slow down. The speed limits are so freaking aritifically low. Today's cars are so far advanced, yet limits have only increase 15mph from 55 to 70. There's really no reason a speed limit, shouldn't be what's it supposed to be, a true limit. There's no reason out in nowhere Florida I shouldn't be able to do 100mph. It's only because we haven't upped our driving standards and give licenses to anyone sticking their hand out. I've been to driving school and done some very minor racing so I feel semi-confident handling a car at speed. If only everyone had the skills taught to them and held to a much higher standard, the roadways would be quickier, speeder, and far more efficent.
Definitely planning someday for Autobahn trip/exotic rental.