if u had a 50 000 gallon tank


what would you put in a 50 000 gallon tank? would you swim in it?
post your dream stocking list for if you had a 50 000 gallon aquarium.
:happyfish :jumping: :thinking:


New Member
Yes I Would. In A Cage Because I Would Have Jaws ,orca, Ect... Then I Would Throw My X- Wife In It!


Well swimming

with dogs is not my thing... :joy: I'd have so many sharks, and then convince all my neighbors that they're bottle nose dolphins in the tank, and see how many people would swim with them!

In all reality, i'd probably make the tank really long, and split it up into a number of tanks, so i can have every fish in existance!

Maybe i'd make all the walls of my house out of fish tanks!!! That'd be amazing!!! Every fishoholic's dreams come true... :thinking:


that's actualy part of my dream house i would keep every fish i could in there not to many sharks but maybe a tiger and hammer head. yes a dolphin too i guess but i'm more into the whole giant reef thing, and maybe the worlds largest volitan lion.


Maybe if we knew some configurations of the shape. How big is that anyway? The lot my house sits on is only 50 ft by 100 ft. Of course you would snorkel in there, but you would not turn on your wetsuit heater if you know what I mean.


nice ideas with the sharks

i wonder if i could put a dolpinh in a tank like that :thinking:
lets see some more ideas


Youd have to have a really nice RO system to top that thing off.
Fish wise probably some black tips.


Active Member
Sad to say, but 50,000 is not REALLY all that big.. The biggest indoor tank at the Texas State Aquarium (which isn't really ALL that impressive as far as world reknown aquariums go) is 144,000 gallons (trivia I had to know when I was a volunteer there). It's nice, but nowhere near big enough for dolphins, orcas, etc. They have a couple of 5 foot Sand Tiger sharks and a couple of 500lb Jewfish Groupers though. Along with a myriad of reds, snappers, etc. that you would find under an oil rig in the gulf coast (the tank replicates the artificial reefs that oil platforms become)
Now, as to the question at hand, If I had the unlimited money that a tank that size would consume, I'd fill that bad boy up with Live Rock and spend the rest of my days collecting reef fish for it. Everytime I dive I'm alsways amazed at the tiny micro-world that can be found on any square foot of reef... Big fish, sharks, etc. are cool and all, but I'd go for a square tank that would represent a patch reef.
So High: Remember that kids read this forum... watch the language please...