if u had a 50 000 gallon tank


bottle nosed dolphins ..........Id go swimming with them
Or I may just put nothing in it and go swimming

all the time
oh yeah and id be broke with all of the salt id have to buy


Active Member
this is a good idea for a thread i was thinking of starting something like this.. i would make my floor see through and jave the tank like all around the house and i wold definetely be able t o swim in it


Mike, ROFL....ONE damsel in a 50,000 gal tank? That would be so funny! Great idea!
JDragunas...I think I would do what you said. I would divide the tank into a few smaller ones and have a huge assortment....like a tank of just reef tank, a tank of seahorses, and maybe a tank with a shark and a couple of stingrays.
I think another good idea is to breed lobsters in the tank so anytime I want lobster, I just have to go down the hall!


Active Member
50,000 g tank? i'd fill it with freshwater neon tetras :hilarious :hilarious
if i had 50,000 tank, i'd either (going into dream mode)
a) build up all rock on one wall of the tank. i'd leave the rest of the tank wide open for swimming. imagine a school- 10, 20, 30 tangs free swimming, chasing each other.
b) build a massive reef- however, instead of a large 50K g tank, i would build an inner box inside the tank.
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the inner box would be dry, with an access ladder. inside would be a fridge full of beer, and a lazyboy on a lazysusan. i could literally free spin myself to look at a reef 360 degrees.
*snap* back to reality. my 40g tank just isnt gonna cut it anymore


Active Member
my lovely ascii drawing of my tank looks retarted.
visualize......... a donut as the tank shape, the hole is my dry spot


Active Member
cowfish rule that is possibly the best idea i have ever heard...!!!!!!! i would never have come up with that!

sinner's girl

that might be too big to be able to see all the fish. I'd have a school of tangs...man when we were in...somewhere we saw a huge school of purples, at least 50 swimming together. It was cool. and clowns. and inverts.
But I'd have to have more than one tank. I want a few fish that don't get along with inverts so I'd need two, one for peaceful fish and inverts, one for invert killers.
I still think that would be too big. 500 would be big enough for me.