if u had a 50 000 gallon tank


Hi Dave_15. I'm new to the board. I read your profile I can't believe you're only 13, I'm 19 & thought I was probably one of the younger, and inexperienced people on here, lol!
Well, 50k gallons...I like the idea someone else had of making it really long & dividing it into smaller tanks to keep more varieties of fish...I love a lot of different species; rays, starfish, sea horses, puffers, octopus, sharks...all the weird-looking fish, lol!


Thanks. Hey can you look at my fish compatibility post? I'm really anxious to find out if what the stores said is true or not.


New Member
I had tanks that size a hop, skip, and a jump away and THE AQUARIUM OF AMERICAS IN NEW ORLEANS. Sad to say that 80% of all those beautiful exoctic creatures died for Hurricane Katrina. Back up pumps and generators weren't enough for her wrath. It was awful. My dream is that they rebuild again bigger and better. Just thought I would share!


I think cowfish has the right idea a lazy susan recliner and I would make a giant reef tall and spread out and watch the dozens of fish I had in it all day long from the middle
Because if I can afford to operate one of them then I can stay home all day and watch it grow

salty tank

i would put a sh-t load of live rock in it, every coral i could get my hands on and schools of every fish you could think of. I cant picture what a 50,000 gallon tank would look like or how much room it would take up. Id put a few sharks and rays in it for sure. Id also scuba dive in at alot.