If u use a wet/dry, how much LR do you have?


am currently setting up a 125 gallon FOWLR and the tank came with a wet/dry with bio balls in it. How many use a similar setup and how much LR do you have? How much water to you change and how frequently? Thanks.


who dey

Active Member
i have a similar wetdry and i have 60lbs of lr in my 55 and seems to keep everything in check. I change 25 gallons once a mth


I use bioballs in my overflow to make it a bit quieter. I have 120+ pounds in my 115. People say that they are nitrate farms but mine are very low. Some snails found there way to them and clean them out. As for water changes. I change 10-15 gallon when ever I find time to. Usually every 3 weeks. I wouldn't recomend doing a 50% water change every month.


Active Member
How much live rock do you need? well the question is how much can you fit in it?
But why not just use the Bio-balls if its a FOWLR tank? Spend the money you were going to spend on LR on a good skimmer instead.


the setup came with a UV and skimmer pictured below. I will have the skimmer setup in the wet/dry and the UV separate. Only thing I am missing now is a pump. For FOWLR a 10x turn over rate would be what I should go for right?


Active Member
Depends on your bio-load I suppose. I have a 130 reef, 200++ lbs LR only 5 fish... 3 very small... wet/dry and protien skimmer..... no much to skim. I do a 20% every 4-6 weeks. 0,0,0, all other levels immaculate.