if you about puffers HELPPPPPPPP!!


about the only one u might be able to get for that is a valentini or a saddle i think but its not recommended
You might want to get a bigger tank. Puffers are very active and need room to swim around. I think there are some fw puffers that don't grow as fast but you would have to do some research. Maybe another member has more info, but get a bigger tank before you attempt to house any aggressive fish.
thanx for the advice but i think i'm leaning towards a brackish water puffer tank mostly with green spotted or dwarf but if you know of any other brackish water puffs i like to know asap! Cos i can't find tham at Petsmart! :( Thanx for all your good advice!


Figure 8 puffers aren't brackish water fish they can tolerate brackish conditions but it causes stress to the fish over long periods of time. They are best kept in full-strength saltwater.

lion fish lover

Don't listen to those people....I have 2 Figure 8's and a Leopard Puffer and they are all in brackish and love it....they eat great and swim all day in it....but I do have them in a 35 gallon with some Tiger Barbs too. :rolleyes: bdean@indy.rr.com


Active Member
tomb, email me, my wife had real good luck with brackish puffers, i'll have her talk to you
thank you soo much for the wonder ful
responsesand please check my other
post because i would love all of yalls advice! It's called: Shark's Help!!
in fish disscusion!! thanks again all!
:D :) :cool: :p ;) :D