If you can answer this ill....

be so happy!
I just tested my calcium and alk and im a little confused. My cal- 380 alk-150 should i dose for a cal improvement? I have trace elements made by B-ionic but ive never used them. Any help would be great.
I have a 55 gallon semi-reef, contents are ricordias(3 heads), Frog Spawn (14 heads), purple shrooms ( 10 ) , Zoanthids ( about 50 polyps ), and about 15 snails.
Thanks, please tell me if my levels are ok or if dosing is needed


Active Member
You are close,as you can see from this chart...150 alk..the balanced calcium should be 430....you need to raise calcium. However this is a very generic chart...you can chase these levels all around and never get them perfect. But IMO you need to jack up the calcium.


Active Member
Sorry,balanced for 150 alk is 420,,,not 430. From the list of corals you have,water changes should keep your levels in check.Not sure you need to dose...you are in the acceptable range for each...although cal is on the low side. Check you alk/cal levels in the new water the next time you do a water change,and compare to what you have now... and go from there.