If you could bring back one show...


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School until 10 and didn't get home til 10:30. Then BED......is that ok with you MS/MR/MISS nosey pants


Originally Posted by Jhov2324
Hey anybody remember small wonder, Exo Squad, Punky Brewster, Snorks, Fraggle Rock
I am with you on all but Exo Squad don't know that one. But I lovvvvvvvved Fraggle Rock!!!!


Fraggle rock is available on dvd now. Apparently all the neo hippies that think they were the first to discover pot and all day bong sessions have repopularized it.


Active Member
Little house on the Prairie
The Andy Griffith show
Happy Days
The Lone Ranger
. . . .can you only bring back one???


Active Member
Did anyone list Hill Street Blues??
That was a good one too!!
OH yeah Designing Women!!! Loved me some Delta Burke THIN AND pleasantly plump!! She had all the best lines too!!


Woohoo for Buffy and Serenity!!!!
That's because Joss Whedon is a GAWD!!!
I own every DVD on both series (am I sad or what? LOL)
For Buffy yeah, Xander had some seriously hilarious one-liners but I wanted to pinch his head off through most of the series!!! Oh sure, so it was ok for him to go out but he had to constantly whine and gripe and put down anyone Buffy went out with??? And when they tried to re-ensoul Angel how Xander was supposed to give Buffy the message so she could just fend Angel off long enough to see if it worked but he lied instead??? I so would've had a hard time not killing him for that!!! Every so often he'd seriously come through though and that's the only thing that saved him! And Angel...bleh! Could he just pout and sulk MORE somehow????
He and Buffy were the perfect pair! "Ooooohhhh I've done such bad things...I'm soooo bad..." goes perfectly with her own constant pouting "Why can't I just be a regular shallow girl who's whole life revolves around clothes and cheerleading and other SHALLOW crap..." Make me barf! Spike, Willow, and Giles were the absolute best of that show!!! And Jonathan!!! Jeez, poor little geek guy!!! He really had a good heart in there and had such a bad end!!!
And don't even get me started on Serenity! :hilarious I am SUCH an awful geek! Browncoats will rule the world one day!! So guys, who was sexier? Inara, Kaylee, River, or Zoie? Mmmmm Zoie..."I'll be in my bunk." :hilarious


Active Member
Originally Posted by ruaround
ya but most do it in privacy... not in a freakin movie theater...lol
what about ... St. Elsewhere so they could give it a proper ending???
He did it in a seedy ---- cinema....next to 50 people that were probably doing the same thing. They just busted him because he was famous.


Originally Posted by COWFISHRULE
the gong show, married with children, and Dream On
i would bring them back

I am with you on Dream On, that was a great show! I used to sneak watch it
since it was some naughty

billy mac

i'm thinking, married with chidren, "peg im home", "oh aaaalllllll", the marcies, specially steve, lol,kelly =-) and bewitched( tabathy stevens ):joy:eek:h and the a team and then there's the muppet show, wait you only said one but need to go on..........
buck rodgers, honey mooners, snl with the mr. bill show "hoho kiddies" gilligans island, bay watch, too many to list three's company, you can't do that on television (alianis aka moose) ***)


If you really want to see a hilarious show get the BBC version of Coupling! I heard that they remade it for the US but it was HORRIBLE!!! The BBC version is so funny we were rolling around screaming with laughter waking up the kids having to rewind it to see what we missed while we were totally incapacitated by laughter!!!!! You've gotta see the earlier seasons though before they lost Jeff because, for me, he just MAKES the show!!! I've seriously never seen anything so funny!
"I've got the keys to the gates of Paradise but I've got too many legs!!!!!"