if you could have any aggressive fish whitch one would you pick out of theses


I would absolutely have the df puffer...actually I currently own one. He is the best fish I have ever had. He's a big sweetie...


my puffer is like a moody machine he pouts wags his tail then pouts it is wierd if you ask me


emperor... just look at the coloration, both juve and adult!!! its one of the most awe striking fish in teh hobby


People , please mind my ignorance but i see that the volatin lion seems to be a very popular choice. now how can a fish that can actually kill a person be so popular ? Is this true or a myth ?


Active Member
Originally Posted by peter1215
People , please mind my ignorance but i see that the volatin lion seems to be a very popular choice. now how can a fish that can actually kill a person be so popular ? Is this true or a myth ?

True, to a VERY small percentage of people who are highly allergic to their venom.
Other than that, it's just a bad bee sting with redness, swelling, pain and numbness.


i thought aw2 for a second was going to disagree that that tank is to small for any of the listed species.
I say clown trigger.


Active Member
CLOWN TRIGGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! also, dogfaced puffers r very cute w/ alot of personality. some ppl say they dont do much but my old dogface was a character!!


Active Member
volitan lion fish
volitan lion fish
volitan lion fish
volitan lion fish
volitan lion fish
they make me go


Active Member
Originally Posted by surfinusa
if you could have one aggressive fish what would it be out of these fish
emporer angel
clown trigger
volitan lion fish
spotted eel
miniatus grouper
dog faced puffer
whitch one of those would you have as your only aggressive whitch one do you chose ***)

So, with all these replies. Do you know which one you will choose?


Definately the lion. I have a picasso trigger and while I do enjoy him, my lion is by far my favorite!!!! Just look at that face! How can you not love him?



Active Member
That is a beautiful lion. I have a fuzzy dwarf and just love mine. I definatley would pick the lion as I did mention above. Nice Pic....