if you could have one fish

belly up

haha ill one up you all a school of great whites and hammerheads. or a couple of those huge manta rays that are like 20 feet across.
Mermaid is what I was thinking, kinda like in Splash so she could still have legs, (wink, wink) cuddle fish sounds cool too. I think it would be cruel to keep higher brained mammals in captivity, whales are smart, would you like to be confined to your room forever?
Great white sharks don't survive in captivity, they have tried, wouldn't want to be the one feeding them.
I would say a giant ribbon fish, they are rarely seen and are the cause for reports of sea serpents for thousands of years.


grilled salmon...mmmm

Seriously if I were going single species it'd have to be leafy dragons...but they probably wouldn't taste nearly as well grilled


I changed my mind, I want an anglerfish. Then maybe I'll get a percula and a hippo and reenact Finding Nemo in my livingroom. Something tells me the angler would win if real life
