if you had a 50 000 gallon tank...


what would you put in a 50 000 gallon tank? would you swim in it?
post your dream stocking list for if you had a 50 000 gallon aquarium.
:thinking: :happyfish


Active Member
A school of morish idols, blue tangs, achilles tangs, purple tangs, orange shoulder tangs, a few flame angels, queen angels, harlequin tusk, lots of clowns, lost of other stuff i cant think of off the top of my head!
If I had a 50,000 tank, I would probably be so darn filthy rich, that I wouldn't want to spend the time to take care of it, and drive my ferrari around.


Active Member
well I still stick with the most massive reef aqaurium ever!!! schools of tangs, heniochus, Idols, sps, lps, over 100,000 lbs of LR, oh i dream...
or I could be driving this!! the Chrysler ME



Active Member
Originally Posted by DAVE_15
what does sps and lps stand for?
SPS= Small Polyp Scleractinian
LPS= Large Polyp Scleractinian
I would put a Mandarin in the tank.


Active Member
Tons and tons of different tangs, angels, butterflies, clowns, rabitfish, eels, lionfish, puffers maybe even ashark or two, and many many more fish!!! And of course it would be packed with all different types of corals.



Thousands of Damsels
. If i have that much money, i can spend all day trying to catch them in the tank!


isn't sps=small polyp stony
and lps=large polyp stony
i don't mean to be picky but i think it makes more sense than using scientific terms


well i would put every type of clown in there,a bamboo shark,all sorts of tangs,some flame angel and really any type of angel that doesnt eat coral ,schools of chromis,anthias of all sorts,puffers liket the small valentini ones,goby and blenny galore probably every kind of each i could find,every type of anemone especially carpet anemones,all different crabs stars,about 1000 of all sorts of hermits and snails,all kinds of shrimp especially the cleaner shrimp and fire shrimp,maybe a snowflake eel,all sps lps and softie coral that i can find,and about 100000 pounds of marshall islands live rock.i could just emagine the equipment on it.would you even have to do water changes on a tank this big??