If you had it to do over, what would you be?


Hey, thats shortstop!
Anywho, since I am drag racing as a hobby right now, I would say if I could keep it up and go pro.....I would be a pro drag racer instead of a HS maintenance man!


Active Member
And i'm not even a Yanks fan, just would love to play the game in that stadium with the history of the pinstripes.


Active Member
You know whats funny, is I have my chance right now. I spent ten years in the air force, and then got injured in Afghanistan, now the VA is paying for my school, plus I got lots of severance, plus I still have 1,300 a month from my GI bill, and 1681 a month from my disability, I have health care covered, and no bills. For the life of me I can't think of what I want to do. I'm kind of a lefty so I was thinking about Law, maybe Constitutional law or something :thinking:, christ I don't know. I guess I will have to default to Pornstar as well

tahoe ocean

I'd actually say I should've gone to the better college and gotten into Marine Biology. I wanna be diving off some reef or working with sea mammals, instead of wrestling furry little land sharks.:happyfish


Active Member
i will admit that there are alot of things i would have like to have done as a career --computer tech/programmer, radioligist, computer drafting, court reporter, just to name a few, but i am very happy that i had my children young and was able to stay home when they were young and now can enjoy their teenage years. (or not
) and then the "empty nest syndrome" then travel with my husband and enjoy!
i came from a family with their own business' of various kinds and somehow i always get stuck with the paperwork.
i dont think i would do anything different, but i do feel i could have done more but still happy with my choices :)