if you have a firefish click here please...


I love my mated pair of red firefish. They are a beautiful, hardy, and inexpenisve fish to add to any tank. They like to have a place to hide in so a substantial amount of live rock or decoratice coral with holes would be good. Mine seem to like frozen brine when it falls in front of their "home". I really love my firefissh and if you get them(or have them)enjoy them as much as possible. They are really a beautiful fish. ~RYAN~


How do people end up with mated pairs of fish... do they just buy them from the lfs or do they drop several fish in and see what happens?
I'd prefer to have 3 in my 120 (2 purple / 1 red) but I won't subject a fish to being tortured by other fish. Would they get along with each other?
I had a purple fire fish and it was great! It never tried to jump out, barely ever hid, and even got along with my mean clown. I think it would be a great fish for any tank.


Firefish are very nice little fish to add to a peaceful tank. Very hardy and disease resistant. In a large tank, with plenty of LR, I would think you could add two of them and even if they are both male (or female) they "should" do fine. But be prepared to remove one of them should continuous fighting occur.
Finding a mated pair is going to be difficult. I have never seen them sold as such, but sometimes you can tell by the behaviour of the fish at the store. If the fish are constantly together, even rubbing bodies or swimming closely around each other without aggression, then they might be a pair.
I have a firefish along with a mated pair of scissortail gobies and they get along just fine. They don't seem to be aggressive to other species.
Yes, these guys can jump! When my 20g sprung a leak, I was in a hurry to remove the fish and I ended up freaking them out. One of the scissortails made a spectacular leap out of the tank to a towel on the floor about 3 feet away!!!
They also like to dig themselves a small hidey hole in the sand underneath some rocks. It is a very small hole and won't harm anything. I don't know how long these fish normally live, but I've had mine now for about 15 months.


Active Member
OK I'm not an expert, I just bought a purple firefish yesterday, but my favorite thing about it is it likes to swim in the upper part of the tank and I can always see it. The only problem has been when my tomato clown (whose name is witchy woman) zooms out of it's anenome if the firefish gets too close. But it just chases the firefish off doesn't hurt it so far anyway. I'm really enjoying the firefish. I have it in with a yellow tang, the clown, a mandarin and royal gramma.
If you have a big opening on you tank i gaurantee it will jump out sooner of later....it is usually died because it jumped out of the tank....so make sure it aint going to have a place to jump out...or the fire fish will go to fishie heaven...and believen thatz not good ;) <img src="graemlins//angel.gif" border="0" alt="[angel]" />


In my opinion you can't go wrong with a firefish. I have replied to guite a few posts while singing their praises. :D I have a pair of the "red" (magnifica), the cheapest of the three. The purple and heilfrichi (sp?) are beautiful as well. My first one was killed by a more aggressive fish. It would swim around in the open most of the time just kind've hovering in the middle. Never tried to jump, although they are VERY well known for doing so. The pair I have now live in a piece of live rock and spend most of their time in there when a lot of activity is going on in the room. They are shy. They get along well with my yellow tang and mandarin. These have never jumped either that I've seen...lucky me I guess. I had a bad ick breakout over a month ago, and they are the only two fish that survived....they didn't even show ANY signs of being sick. Very hardy fish! They were often visited by my bar goby and my coral beauty, hanging out in the same hole. I miss thouse guys. :( Anyway, if you don't have really aggressive fish in the tank, they are great to have. They accept most foods as well, although mine won't venture far from their home to get it. They will only eat what is in their own backyard, so to speak. Flake, marine cuisine, brine shrimp, plankton, etc. I could ramble on forever, but with all these other replies, you get the picture. No negatives on this fish except the jumping, which they may or may not do, and being easily tormented by bullies. Good luck!


they are a great fish and very interesting to watch. they are actually best kept as 1, mated pair or 6. they are one of the most docile fish but within a group can fight in a tank. if you have 3 to 5 they will eventually fight and can kill each other off. with 6 there is enough that the aggression is spread out and they dont kill each other. i have a mated pair, (even found a baby one once but didnt make it), and they even have times where they dont like each other but there is enough room for them to seperate. this only last for a day or 2 then they are back together again. they should not be put in with aggressive fish at all this can stress them.
the best way to find a mated pair is when choosing look for 2 that are very close together sometines they will even cuddle with each other. some people will buy a small group and try to find 2 that pair off then trade the rest back in this could be done also.
as far as being hardy these guys are actually somewhat ick resistant and accept most foods very easy to care for. they do well with other gobies. i have a blue gudgeon and they love him hes like their big buddy. they live together and he even helps dig out their hole for them even when some of the sand covers it. as far as mixing species thats a ? some people have had luck doing that and some have not. they are jumpers we have a 75 and i had one jump from 1 end of the tank to the other. luckily he landed back in the tank. they do this when scared. they are one of the best beginner fish and nicest looking also. try to pick out a pair and go for it. you'll be very happy with them.
<a href="http://communities.msn.com/karlas/tankpics.msnw?action=ShowPhoto&PhotoID=13" target="_blank">my firefish</a>
great fish cheap, and hardy.I got my firefish for $8 and my purple for $24.they are very peaceful and should be housed with peaceful tank mates or it will never eat.although they are usually passive the males will chase each other around , and often till one dies.but males are greta with a group are 3 or more females.they eat basically anything too.probably the greatest fish ive seen.


all three species have beautiful color and i like them all. but i really like the helfrichi. but they are expensive the cheapest i found so far was 200. i would love to have a pair of them actually wouldnt mind having a pair of all three
<a href="http://uri.sakura.ne.jp/~dd/g/eg-013.htm" target="_blank">helfrici</a>


I have a purple firefish and he is very entertaining. We purchased him from saltwaterfish.com for $19.99 about 2 months ago. He gets along with my cherub, neon goby, perc clown, fine. He totally ignores my bangaii. His name is Flash because at the blink of an eye he can zip into one of the small holes in is private little live rock. He doesn't seem to want to go near the top half of the tank either. We have it enclosed anyhow, just in case he want to "fly". He eats anything including the pygmy angel food that I throw in for "Cheeks', the angel fish. :p