If you play with fire...



For the last month my Clown Trigger has become bolder, to go along with his larger size I guess. He's been doing little chases and had been standing up to the large Sohal, something I didn't think it was a good idea, but whatever.
So yesterday evening I noticed the clown trigger was not his usual self. He was ok but not swimming as much and at night he slept wedged between 2 rocks, sideways. Not in his usual sleeping spot. This morning I take a good look at him and he's got a slash on his side, no doubt from the Sohal. He seems ok though, back to swimming and eating normally. But you know what they say if you mess with fire long enough... I knew the Sohal wouldn't put up with being bothered for too long. All the other fish leave the Sohal alone, I think this CT better learn to do the same.


Active Member
Yep, messing with a fish with a bad attitude and a knife in his tail is not a good idea, my Lime Green Wrasse found that out, and I fear my new Male Crosshatch may be heading toward that as well, though they seem on pretty even ground at this point.


my ct is still 3rd in the pecking order behind the bluethroat and pinktail, but i am waiting for the day!!


Well, the CT is back to normal. He layed low for a few days but once the cut healed, now he's back to his old self.


Nice one Pete ! My Sohal is the same with my blue hippo,which is about 6in long, and was the first fish introduced into the display for almost a year ago.I'm thinking about getting a CT too


Active Member
Sohal Tang & Clown Trigger in the same tank? Sounds like something Michael Vick would like. (I guess I'd like it too, but don't have the guts.) But I'd put my Sohal up against any Clown Trigger; he's just too fast and quick to attack.


Active Member
I never worried about chasing until my tank got tanked by disease and was set off in part by my Tusk chasing a Humu all the time. The Humu got the last laugh as he was one of only 3 survivors. Never again!


Um... my tank is no war zone, I would never let it get to that. Comparing me to Michael Vick is dumb and you don't know my love for these animals. I think you shouldn't throw comparisons around without knowing all the facts. Whenever there is any serious agression, I take the fish out. I NEVER leave a fish in there where I think the fish is uncomfortable. Like when I first put the sohal in, he was singling out my foxface and clearly the foxface wasn't comfortable in that tank anymore. So I moved him to my 125gal right away. There is no fish in my tank that is being picked on. The CT is no victim, trust me. Contact me in 2 years and I'll tell you how my tank is doing. I take the outmost care of all my fish, I haven't had one die in 3 years and no fish has died in this particular tank, ever! The last fish I had that died was a wrasse that jumped through the eggcrate and I found him on the floor.
Now I understand why nobody posts in this section anymore. Because people just like to throw accusations around.


Active Member
I think you're blowing it a little out of proportion R.C., sure don't think he was meaning to insult you. In fairness anyone that puts a Clown Trigger in a community tank is taking a serious risk. I would love to have a Queen Trigger, a Clown Trigger, a Clown Tang, and so one, but I'm not going to put fish together that I think have a low percentage chance of working together......Ask Chris Campbell if a Sohal Tang and Clown Trigger should be together in a 150, ask Copps, better yet, email Bob Fenner at Wetwebmedia, his response would be a lot harsher than SrFisher's I would be willing to wager.


I don't appreciate being compared to a lowlife like Michael Vick. He's entitled to his opinion and he can disagree with my fish list but the comparison was uncalled for.


Active Member
To be fair I barely post here anymore because it's usually people asking the same old dumb questions over and over. I can only say that lionfish and triggers together is not a very good idea so many times :p As for the Vick comments, I don't think SR meant any insult by it as its phrased more in jest.