If you were given free hands to stock...


New Member
It really depends on what you like. The new fish of the month for me is a Picasso Clownfish. I just got one from SWF and it is one of the coolest fish I have. Another good idea would be tangs (yellow, pacific, purple) if money isn't an option, you could get a black tang. Some of the Fairy Wrasses are gorgeous and not horribly expensive either. Most people will end up putting a 6 line wrasse in their tank at some point but my favorite wrasse is a Red Possum Wrasse the only place I have found them online is aquacon.com. There is a small list of fish for right now but I could go all day dpending on what you want your tank to look like and how much you want to spend.


Active Member
depends on if you like big fish or small fish. I like clowns, gobies, blennys, cardinals, fairy wrasses, anthias
so my list is (my tank)

2 Fp clowns
firefish gobie
pj cardinal
royal gramma
mandrine (tank almost 2 yrs old)
eng gobie
2 clown gobies
jaw fish
bi-color blenny
fairy wrasse
pygmy angel
good Luck


Active Member
That sounds like a very good list Teresa!
I like smaller fish with lots of color, but would not mind a Tang or two.


Active Member
I would put what I currently have in my 125 (because I love them all):
Two false perc clowns
Two Bangaii Cardinals
Royal Gramma
Lyretail Anthias (male)
Flame Angel
Hippo Tang
Yellow Tang
Sailfin Tang
And now that I have a 150
, I would add:
Naso Tang (my favorite fish but my current tank is to small
Bi-color blenny
3 Lyretail Anthias (females)


How about one of these little guys, I just got him/her today. Its a Blue Spot Jawfish.



Active Member
Oh, I forgot about those cool looking fish. I saw one at the lfs and thought, wow, that would be a nice fish to add to the tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by h2ocrazy
How about one of these little guys, I just got him/her today. Its a Blue Spot Jawfish.

Awesome addition. I had my eye on one of those at my LFS for about two months (along with the price tag
), yet right when I was readyto get one, it was sold. That one looks really healthy.


My favorite fish in my tank is my mystery wrasse. Looks great and has great personality.
If I was doing FOWLR instead of a Reef, I would get a clown trigger.
If I was going over the top and doing a specimen tank with one occupant, and infinite care to make sure it stayed in the tank, I would get an octopus, what spectacular creatures!


Active Member
I'm actually working on a 180 and this is the stocklist I'm going with (thought it might help):
1 Hippo Tang
1 Yellow Tang
1 Convict Tang
2 False perc clowns
6 Chromis
1 Fairy wrasse
1 Mandarin (though waiting for the tank to be mature first)
1 Royal Gramma
I may go with 1 or 2 more in there, if bioload looks ok over time, but that's what I've got on my list so far. If I had more money, I'd go this route (and I might swap out the yellow for the sailfin anyway):
1 Hippo Tang
1 Desjardini Sailfin Tang
1 Achilles Tang
2 False perc clowns
3-5 Anthias (not sure, maybe Bartlett)
1 Fairy wrasse
1 Mandarin (though waiting for the tank to be mature first)
1 Royal Gramma


Active Member
Interesting, almost all fish that I have in my imaginary wish list has been listed here
Here is what I wrote up a few weeks ago
1 Percula Clown
1 Ocellaris Clown
1 Black Sailfin Blenny
1 Yellow Tang
1 Blue Hippo Tang
tiger jawfish
fansy bass antheas
brazilian gramma
Desjardini Tang (Red Sea Sailfin Tang)


Active Member
Originally Posted by SpiderWoman
Interesting, almost all fish that I have in my imaginary wish list has been listed here
Here is what I wrote up a few weeks ago
1 Percula Clown
1 Ocellaris Clown
1 Black Sailfin Blenny
1 Yellow Tang
1 Blue Hippo Tang
tiger jawfish
fansy bass antheas
brazilian gramma
Desjardini Tang (Red Sea Sailfin Tang)
I wouldn't mix clowns like that. JMO, but you should probably get a pair of one type or the other.