I'm actually working on a 180 and this is the stocklist I'm going with (thought it might help):
1 Hippo Tang
1 Yellow Tang
1 Convict Tang
2 False perc clowns
6 Chromis
1 Fairy wrasse
1 Mandarin (though waiting for the tank to be mature first)
1 Royal Gramma
I may go with 1 or 2 more in there, if bioload looks ok over time, but that's what I've got on my list so far. If I had more money, I'd go this route (and I might swap out the yellow for the sailfin anyway):
1 Hippo Tang
1 Desjardini Sailfin Tang
1 Achilles Tang
2 False perc clowns
3-5 Anthias (not sure, maybe Bartlett)
1 Fairy wrasse
1 Mandarin (though waiting for the tank to be mature first)
1 Royal Gramma