First off let me say this. I would not make a good president. Countries (all) that violated international law would NOT recieve aid nor business from the U.S.A. This would most likely crash our economy for a bit and make world view truly hate us, but I feel to be taken seriously one must make some sacrifices to show your conviction. The American people would learn this through me the hard way. My poll rating would be in the 25% I believe.
1. What is your stance on Global Politics and Terrorism?
I sort of touched on this with my openning paragraph, however I feel our presence is needed in the world politics and economy. Without it we stop paying attention and then get blind sided...Things like Pearl Harbor occur and dictators rise up gaining more power if a check is not in place.
As for Terrorism, Hunt them down and kill them. Borders would be patrolled, I would pull the troops from Germany to Patrol or own borders. I knopw there is a law that was passed saying we can't pull our troops from Europe, but I would get that appealled. This border patrol would not cost the govt. anything as we are already paying 75,000 troops to hang out in Germany/ Europe.
I would also increase the import tax on goods from foreign countries. This would be used to increase the numbers of ships searched through customs at the harbors.
Iraq, I would pull the troops from baghdad to the borders of Iraq and see if things calm down like many say it would. If it got worse or stayed the same, our troops would go in again. I would continue this till people of the region learned to stop fighting. If things did calm down once we pulled back to the border, I would tip my hat to the dems and pull our boys. If they were wrong, well the next election would take care of that.
I could go on all day about this, but that is a start.
2.What would you do about our economy to improve it?
Nothing, the economy governs itself as long as people are allowed to market their own products and ideas. Once government starts playing economists then the economy screws up....everytime.
3.How would you change our Health care system?
I don't think I would change much. Right now most states have a program for children to receive healthcare if their parents don't have it for them. I might expand this so the fed would help fund it a bit more. But as far as providing for adults,
I would increase the amount of care and doctors on hand at VAs for our military, retired or active.
4.And would you be willing to change the Constitution by adding or removing parts of it?If so what would you add/remove?
The constitution needs no changing. However I would require it be taught as a course in high school as so many interpret it in the wrong manner and use it for defense of rights not granted.
Feel free to add anything else you feel is an issue.
Please don't feel it necessary to criticize present or past Presidents.Just state what you would do.