If you worked at a LFS


If you work at a LFS dont you think you would purchase everything from that shop. There is a LFS that the workers dont even buy corals from in my area. Now would that make you want to shop at this place?


When I was 19, I worked in a men's shoe store in the mall. Every week, when I got paid, I usually bought a new outfit. So, yes, if I worked at an LFS, I would probably spend quite a bit of my pay check there, if I could!

This LFS you talk of must not be very nice, eh?


I used to work at a Pet store and we carried saltwater fish. The store used to get our fish and everything from just one distributor. This leaves the store with almost the same stocklists every week so me and some other employees would go to bigger shops to try to get different variety and selection of fish and corals. As far as all the supplies though we used to get it all from the store we worked at. As far as a discount and all of that on fish and corals there really isnt any so going somewhere else is not like you are losing a ton of money anyway.