Ike Victim. How to sustain our pets?



Hi there, need your input.
200 gal/sump/protein skimmer/tunze 7095 & (2) 6101/halogen...
Will have no power for at least 5 days.
Stock: harlequin/flamingi/(2) blue tang/purple tank/Yellow/blue face/imperator/(2) clown/Archilles Tang and Sohal Tang. All are more than medium size. CATCHING THEM IS NOT AN OPTION. TOO MANY ROCKS AND TANK IS 18 FEET UP.
Between 9-5, I can run the generator supporing the babies.
At night, with (2) marine batteries and 3000 watt power inverter, I have the following choice:
A) circulate the sump via power the pan world pump
B) (1) small air pump and (2) maxi jet 500.
Thanks for your aid.


Active Member
I would try the air stone and ph to aerate the water and keep it moving. Even if its at a minimum rate, its still water movement. Also if you can move the ph up toward the surface to help aerate the water too. Any water surface breaking will help aerate the water. A water change to help keep the levels. Also try and keep your lights at a minimum to help keep the temp down as to not lower your O2 levels. Even the ocean has low light days.
Good luck keeping your chine up. Hope all goes well


Agreed if you can keep the water moving and oxygenated and do some water changes that would be best.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jaymz
Agreed if you can keep the water moving and oxygenated and do some water changes that would be best.
Sounds like you might be able to make it; like folks have said, water movement & surface agitation is critical. I'd also monitor ammonia 9because of reduced aeration) and use one of the ammonia-neutralizing products (Ammo-Lock, etc) in an emergency. I wouldn't feed any more than once every three days. if that. I went through this a few times when I lived on the Missisippi coast; got enough new generator power after the 1st outage; then had Katrina just wipe everything out. Best of luck, I think you've got a good plan.


Maybe incorrect but perhaps freezing some good top off water and replenishing at night could help reduce temps and add oxygen. I bought a couple of double bubbles from wallyworld in anticipation of the storm. They are located in the fishing section and are used to keep live bait. If D batteries are still available. Good luck.


Active Member
Originally Posted by forsfed50
Maybe incorrect but perhaps freezing some good top off water and replenishing at night could help reduce temps and add oxygen. I bought a couple of double bubbles from wallyworld in anticipation of the storm. They are located in the fishing section and are used to keep live bait. If D batteries are still available. Good luck.
Good idea, freezing without power may be tough, though. Free ice should be all over and you could float this in a leakproof container; or even use it to top off.


Active Member
you may even want to consider only 1 feeding over the next five days until the power is back on, the ammonia could be more of an issue than the hunger. I also agree with the above posts with keeping surface agitation and cooling the water.
Best of luck