iknow this off the subject anyone got any other intersting animals


Active Member
Would kids qualify, :D if so I have two. If not, well.... my son (really me) has a leopard gecko(you know who really has to take care of it)


In our "zoo" in addition to the tanks, we have a Bichon Frise named Sidney, a chinchilla named Fred, and a 7 year old named Steven. Not in that order :)
Photos below


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Honduran Milksnake, Irian Jaya Carpet python, Mexican Red Head Amazon (not technically mine, but the lfs owns it, and I'm it's favorite person :) ). Bo


Looks like the 7 year old almost took out the hydrant!
Or is that his pet hydrant that follows him around sledding and such?


ar ethey hard to keep i am trying to get the bird its purple and its beak is huge but beautifull looking its going t cost me 3 grand if i could get him


Active Member
I have a cat that is a direct descendant from enerst hemmingway. If you dont know what i am talking about, he had hundreds of cats at his homoe in the florida keys. They HAD to stay there, that was part of his will. Anyway, during hurricane andrew, my uncle saw this guy blowing across the yard so he took him in. He was about two years old then. I have to admit that a cat is not very unusual, but this guy is a trip. He is severly inbred so he does have some issues. He can only make left turns, so when he wants to go right he has to make a full circle. He cant run or jump (which is GREAT because he doesnt go on the furniture or countertops, or in the tank), and he cant use his claws. He has little to no depth perception and he sees double. But i promise you, he is the greatest cat in the world. He has more personality than any other cat i have ever met and is very affectionate. He is my little buddy because he follows me all over my apartment from the minute i walk in the door. This picture was not created or doctored in any way.


Active Member
well, as far as buying a cheap full bread persian, i hate to tell you this, but there is no such thing. I have been offered over two grand for this guy. Here is a thought though, go with a persian/himalayan mix. No one but you and a cat expert will ever be able to tell the difference, plus persians have severe breathing difficulties. you would constantly have to "blow" his nose. The mixed dont have this problem, they do snore though. no joke. You can check a web page called www.petfinder.com Often times, they have persians and himalayans on there and it only costs the adoption fees


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I have 3 parrots a congo African Grey. a double yellow head amazon, and a blue and gold macaw, all hand fed by me:) they are great pets ,


Active Member
I had a Red Eared Slider, man that thing would constantly splash, during 6am in the morning, the most annoying thing ever and at 12 at night... i was soo stressed out my hair was turning white and sometimes i felt like throwing the turtle out the window. Cleaning was another horrible thing, The fuvual would be clogged with turtle crap and turtle skin... The smell was horrible, the water was never crystal clear, and i have to change the water every 3 days. Man sure they look cute when they are small but when they grow big they are MONSTERS! well i gave my turtle away to a vet. If you dont know what a RES is, its those turtles the size of a golf ball.


Active Member
Cool J. I love the big dogs too... got a rottweiler. She is so sweet, despite many people's misconception about the breed. It's all in how you raise em. Although, I wouldnt recommend them to just anyone. They are a lot of responsibility. :cool:


next to my reef tank, my coolest pet is my 8 month old african grey parrot:cool: i also have a fat tail leopard gecko, a dog, a cat and a betta fish. i would have more animals but my house just isnt big enough:D


Here is my puppy he is 3 and real good puppy. Listens better than kids. For some reason people want go in the back yard without me. :D