Ill Clownfish, Help me!


New Member
I have a Tomatoe Clownfish that I recently brought to college with me from home. I have had the fish for almost a year and it has always been a happy, healthy fish. It is living in a 20 gallon aquarium now, it used to live in a 55 gal. All levels in the tank are normal. The fish has been in this aquarium for a few days now and has been swimming happily, but I noticed today that it was laying on the floor of the aquarium, gasping for air and looks as though it's body cavity is filling up with fluid. I don't know what it is and I have tried looking but can't seem to come up with anything. Can someone help me if it isn't too late?


New Member
The 20 gal was set up for 3 weeks before the clown fish was brought down. Acclimate it? How would I go about doing that?


Originally Posted by chelz12
The 20 gal was set up for 3 weeks before the clown fish was brought down. Acclimate it? How would I go about doing that?
Did you just toss the fish in the new tank...or did you slowly get the fish adjusted to the new tank....meaning temperature and water conditions
Did you test the water in the 20G? WHat is it testing? Ammonia, nititres, nitrates, p.h.????? temp???
Three weeks is way to early to add fish. New tanks can crash, and return back to normal within a day. If you don't cycle properly your fish can get get ich easy. Which can cause fish to gasp for air, and lay on the ground. I waited three months before adding fish to my 16gl bow front