(Illinois) Gauging interest for my Green Carpet and Clowns


I have been thinking about getting rid / Trading of my Green Carpet and both Ocellarus Clowns that have been hosing it. The Carpet is about 8" in diameter and eats great if fed which I do only like once a week, but you don't have to. I have had it for about 4 mos. with no problems. It has been in the same spot since I put him there 4 mos. ago. The clowns are about 3" with one slightly beefier than the other are in great health and eat everything from pellets to frozen food. I am doing this to make room on the bottom of the tank for more things . And plus I already have a RBTA with 2 of Rod's Clowns. I cannot separate since the clowns are so attached to this thing.
Local trade please
Aurora, IL.