I'm a father!... Baby Coral

Hey guys...
I was cleaning the glass of my tank lastnight, and noticed a baby Gold Crown Toadstool leather (sarcophyton sp)! He's about 1/2" big.
I guess that means that my water quality is good, huh?


Active Member
Good Job. These corals are fast growers and will reproduce readily. Mine moves in the tank leaving babies in it's wake.


Active Member
at work we had one for sale in a display tank it was there 3 weeks and when someone bought it i noticed a small baby right behind it that wasnt there before.


Congrats! That is always a good suprise. I've also become a father in the last month. My pearl bubble and hammer coral both have given birth. One of the heads on my hammer split and there's a baby pearl bubble coral on the underside of my large colony. I had to reposition the coral so my lights could reach the smaller one. Thriving and propogating corals are always a pleasure after all the time and hard work we put into this hobby.