I'm a new mom!!!!


New Member
I had a baby and didn't realize I was expecting!!!
Do brittle stars actually reproduce
by themselves?? :thinking: I have a brown BS that I have had for about 8 months
or so (the only star I have). I was just watching it pulling a dead snail away
from some hermits earlier today. I checked it out again a little while ago and
saw what looks exactly like a baby brittle star (kind of tan in color) on the rock above it!
It's body about 1/16 in. dia. and leg spread about 1 inch.
Could this be anything else??
? I haven't added any rock to the
tank for at least 6 months or so (hitchhiker? there were no bs's in the tank
the rock came from). I would appreciate any input on my discovery!


Most likely it's a hitchiker. I have 3 little ones in my tank right now and I've never even had a brittlestar in the tank.


New Member
WOW! this little guy has got to be at least 6 months old if its a hitchhiker! They must really grow slow when they are babies. The one I have must be ancient. It has at least a 9 inch leg span. It was about 6 inches when I got it about 8 months ago.


Active Member
What do you feed your brittlestar??
Anyway, I agree, it is likely it is a hitch hiker. Always a cool find though


Active Member
Originally Posted by Cinders
WOW! this little guy has got to be at least 6 months old if its a hitchhiker! They must really grow slow when they are babies. The one I have must be ancient. It has at least a 9 inch leg span. It was about 6 inches when I got it about 8 months ago.
More than likely a minature that will not get any bigger. Similar as to a small featherduster. They are that size and thats it. I have about 70 in my refugium.


Active Member
That's definitely true
Brittlestars range in size from tiny things (even as adults) to species over a foot across.


New Member
I alternate Prime Reef and flake to my fish. The star must eat that and I've seen it go for shrimp pellets that my cleaner shrimp and crabs eat once in a while. It must be getting plenty to eat!!


Active Member
It is not a bad idea to directly feed it to be sure that it is getting enough to eat. We tend to put a lot of cleaners in our tank.


New Member
It rarely comes out from the rocks. All I usually see of it is its legs. I'm too afraid to try to pull on its legs to get it out to feed it directly. Any suggestions for me?


Active Member
You don't need to get it out, and definitely do not pull on its legs! All you need to do is get food near its legs and it should grab it. that can be as simple as putting some shrimp pellets there, or putting something meaty, like a bit of shrimp, on the end of a bamboo skewer and touching it near the arms. It should grab it.


New Member
Thanks for your help Ophiura. I really appreciate it. Can it be fed cocktail shrimp or does it have to be raw? Sorry about all the questions. I'm still a newbie. Only had my tank set up since last Sept. I have handed it a shrimp pellet before.


Active Member
Just about anything meaty, minus any cocktail sauce, salad dressing or spices
, should be fine. Diversity is really important with time. I am personally a big fan of shrimp pellets because they do contain a variety of things.