Im a newbie..and need help...REAL bad


New Member
ummm what exaclty is a sump...sorry if i sound stupid...the thing we bought is a big filter thing that sets underneth our tank; it has a filter and those blue plastic bio balls...anything sound familiar? i will post the brand when i get home for work...sorry if im unclear...


Yes it is a sump with bio-balls.
I wish people at these stores would take people down the right roads and not just for commissions.
I will hope you and you boyfriend read the things that people has written.
And in saying this I hope you stop on any more additions and spending money on your tank until you do allot more research. Please do alot more reading from more then just one source. Make a plan to how much you have to spend, what you want to have. Write all of it down and make sure that as you are planning that the things you want will ALL work together. And if they do not then either you change what you’re after or how to get to your goal.
Bio- balls in my opinion are a waste of money for a reef type system. Any system with live rock and live sand or some things along these lines need different setups to work. Bio-balls take allot of time and maintenance and allot have a really bad habit of not letting your nitrate levels come down to a good level. Most of the time it will house detritus and keep a constant cycle happening in your systems. Plus they do not have enough area for your bio-system needs. So this causes more problems.
So please do allot of homework on your part. Understand what your doing and making. Most people need to realize that we are making a very small piece of the ocean and we need to know what is really there to make it a success and enjoyable for a long time. I very rarely tell people what they want to hear just to make myself money. In this field I tell them what they need to do and know so they can make a good decision. So when we talk later on what they have decided on then we can speak in terms we both understand. And you are able to tell the good information from the right stores from the wrong ones.
Please take more time and see what your after before moving on.