I'm a rebel, baby!!!!!!!

billy ocean

I just bought a Moorish Idol yesterday.
About them being difficult to start eating....
this one was eating in the bucket during acclamation.
by the end of the night he was eating oysters, algae sheets, and picking at rocks and sand.
I would venture to say that I am off to a good start.
I'm not takin him back
and I'm not setting him free
Tell the saltwater tree huggin flamers to go home
I don't need the whinning about survivability rates or where they are better left.
Am I encouraging the collection of these amimals?
yep. pro'ly.
so what?
They are not endangered.
It impacts our war on terrorism very little.
And the last I checked, it didn't affect the price of tea in China.
So for those of you that take fish ethics to a new level...
this is your official slap in the face.
...and guess what.
If for some reason my MI dies; I'll just go out and get another one.
...and yes, it is just that simple.


Only two things to say:
1. Good luck and I hope that you are sucessful
2. Could you post of pic of the new addition?


Active Member
I have one, I brought him back with me from Hawaii. Mine is doing well and he is no longer hiding. Although I think mine picks more at live rock than anything.


damn nice fish. Are they ok with butterflies? What makes them picky eaters? I hadnt heard any negative things about them,.


Its not that they are picky eaters its just that in the food that is givin to them in aquarium lacks an ammino acid that it get in his natural habitat. So they can be eating but not getting enough nutrition and in time pass away. It sucks cuz there such amazing fish.


for some reason i don't think that billy is going to post a picture for us so i believe what thomas is getting at is there are a few types of butterflies that are commonly sold as MI's (heniochus acuminatus, heniochus chrysostomus, etc)

tony detroit

Active Member
While I respect your opinion I will say that there is a reason for what people say, it is not about being flamers. Best of luck to you, I hope you do succeed and then maybe you can share your secrets with us. Until then....I won't be buying any.


New Member
I had a Morrish Idol once. He was great and I had him for about 6 months with no problem. Then one morning I woke up and saw him dead as nails on the bottom of the tank. I checked all levels immediately and they were all good. Never found out why he died. Anyways, good luck with yours and enjoy it as much as I did.


great post. wish you alot of luck with the fish. one thing for sure you probably have a better chance of the fish or any fish for that instance to stay alive in your tank. i have seen lots of lfs with fish in poor shape. good luck. great fish. keep us updated.


bawhahahahaha. Though i may not agree with your post totally, it was a good laugh for the afternoon. Keep us informed and good luck.