I'm a Scammer - You're a scammer - Don't you want to be a scammer too?


Just wanting to let everyone know that I am/was a scammer for a long time on this site. Anyone that has been scammed by me please post on here what you lost.


Active Member
Fishfrenzy is no longer with us.
I'm going to leave this thread open. If you were scammed by him, feel free to post here and use this thread to coordinate your investigations and possible prosecution for any theft this poster may be responsible for.


I was going to purchase a blue sponge from this person, and got kind of suspicious when they wouldnt get me a pic. And also when some of their information didnt match up.
Also when they told me in 4 personal messages very pushy to send money to them. Thank goodness i didnt then, i ended up buying a marble starfish and had to replace a car tire so didnt have the money.....Lucky for me!!! If this thread is true im glad i didnt get scammed by a jerk!!!!!



Active Member
Hey guys and gals, please only post here if you were scammed. I'd like to see if this was really an issue or not.


i was scammed by him. he sold me a cpr 800gph overflow,digital timer,mag7 for 65 bucks then tried to spin the situation on me that i was the scammer. i was told that he never even had the products. i had to call his dad and he refunded my money. thank God for directory assistace.....


even though hes banned dont you wonder if he will start up another account under another name?? that what scares me.... i guess i should of know better when he wouldnt give me pics or had a paypal account. from now on il be more precuotious...


Active Member
Originally Posted by new-guy
even though hes banned dont you wonder if he will start up another account under another name?? that what scares me.... i guess i should of know better when he wouldnt give me pics or had a paypal account. from now on il be more precuotious...
We will watch him.
Did you file any reports with postal service? Police?
How old is the kid?


hes 12 yrs old. i contacted my local sherrifs office and advised me to call the dad first which im glad i did. i didnt know you could file reports with usps with a money order. i just made sure i kept all the pms so i could have a paper trail. just out of couriosity how can you watch him?

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by new-guy
hes 12 yrs old. i contacted my local sherrifs office and advised me to call the dad first which im glad i did. i didnt know you could file reports with usps with a money order. i just made sure i kept all the pms so i could have a paper trail. just out of couriosity how can you watch him?
12 years old!! Wow! Hes VERY young! I would of never guessed that a 12 year old scammes people.


tell me about it it blew my mind to he told me he was 17 but his dad said he was 12. this whole situation was crazy he even had a false email that was under his dads name. so i was emailing that to get some response from his father and he was emailing as his father playing both side of the story.il i know just when you think you have problems in your life someone elase has bigger ones just like this kids dad, man i dont know what i would do if one of my kids did that?
Yeah Hitler was a smart guy too, we all know how that went. This kid needs to be on house arrest until he's 18. And no, there probably isn't any way to prevent him from joining back up, so everybody is going to have to start taking more precautions. Get phone numbers, addresses, and call the people before you send any money.


i just have a felling next time he will be even more careful about getting caught. i dont think he would of gotten cought if i wouldnt of found his phone #. i just would have the police visit him. i just think its crazy that some people think its ok to do this. stealing is stealing. i think this kid has a long and hard life in front of him including his parents, my sympaty gos out to them..