***I'm about to kill these snails***



Well I tossed them....my bad I should have taking them to the fish store. Sorry snails, and sorry to everyone here thats upset at me for tossing them in the trash. They swormed this coral like bumblebees, I pulled 4 off the heads and 2 more was at the base.


Originally Posted by ninjamini
Have you seen polyp loss?
No I have not but again I have only had my Zoos for 1 week and I did see them around my Zoos the other day but it was at the base on the frag rock. So I thought nothing of it, untill this am when my lights came on and they where all over the heads like ants.


poor little guys. your going to open up your trash can and you are going to see a little snail civilization with buildings and statues. hahaha =] jk. F*@# those damn snails. damn them to hell. you should have smushed them into a pulp and made snail jelly.


Active Member
Try Nasarius and Cerith Snails. They are great for a reef tank. Don't get scared though if you see them plowing through your zoos or polyps. Mine do this all the time, but they don't hurt the zoos. The zoos open up again as soon as the snail passes on by. I've even had some of my snails get greedy and smother a poor tiny Kenya tree to get to the food that had fallen on it. The Kenya tree was a little ticked I'm sure that they took his food, but the tree itself was not damaged.