Im about to make my first order...need some opinions...


Active Member
im about to make my first order here at SWF but i know i have to spend $40 (i think)
anyways...i need a good cleanup crew, which is mainly what i want to spend my money on at the moment.
all i have now is:
2-3 nassarius snails
1 emerald crab
1 cleaner shrimp
about 5 other algae eating snails
i have a 36 bowfront
the first thing on my list is cheato for my sump so any ideas on a ~$30 cleanup crew?
i was thinking of getting like 25 cerith snails cause they will eat algae, detritus, basically anything and even red slime i heard. they will also go into the sandbed. and then maybe a sea hare to take care of the rest of the algae...
but your ideal cleanup crew would be...? thanks...


Active Member
lol i gonna end up spending way more. i totally forgot about the sally light foots...they seem great. im just concerned it will catch a goby or something when it gets bigger. i think i will go with the 25 ceriths and the 10 astrea/turbos + the sally light foot. im also concerned about the nassarius snails having enough to eat so i might not get them. but anyways i know you order practically all of your livestock from here so i know you know what to get lol.