I'm back after brief hiatus


Its been some time now since I've last logged on to this message board. How has everyone and their tanks been doing. I see alot of NEW names, thats a great thing. My 92 bowfront FOWLR is doing good. I just got a new job so that means alot more money to spend. I'm thinking I want to change my tank over to a reef. Maybe purchase about 115 lbs of live rock or so and switch over to live sand. I have about 400lbs of Southdown, so I think I am just going to put about 200lbs of that in the tank and seed it with about 40 lbs or so of live sand. Hows this sound to all you sharks? Do you think it will be stressful on my fish if I leave them in there and slowly change over to live sand?


ive read that you can reduce the cloudyness by pouring the southdown into the tank through a piece of pvc. or you could put in in a plastic bag, submerge the bag close to the bottom and pour it slowly. to avoid the triggering a new cycle just replace a little section each time over the course of a couple of week. ive done alot of research on the subject since i have CC in one of my tank, but ive yet to muster the courage to do it. i hate to have to move all the live rock now that i finally have it the way i want it. good luck and let us know what happens.