im back =O


Hi again,
Been a while since I posted, but Iv finally got my tank up and running.
46 gallon bowfront with 50 pounds of LS and about 55 pounds of LR. It's been cycling for about 3 weeks now and everything seams to have spiked and settled already. I havnt put anything in yet aside from a peppermint shrimp (had a bunch of aiptasias growing) and Im trying to decide what else to put in now.
I was thinking of 2 clowns and 2-4 cardinals but im not quite sure how they will get along and seeing as my peppermint survived the cycle while eating all the aiptasias id like to keep him in there and possibly get some other shrimp. any ideas/comments?
equipment list:
Aqua clear 300 filter
remora skimmer w/ maxi get1200
visitherm heater (150w)
the lighting is just the basic light that came with the stand/tank which i think ill have to upgrade before i put any anemones in for the clownfish, although my LFS said it might work.


Whatever you do, I would do it slowly.
If you were looking at fish, I would suggest having a wide variety of fish. For example, you could do
-2 clowns
-1 royal gramma or chalk basslet or orangeback basslet (on sale at SWF.Com)
-1 wrasse (sixline, fairy or flasher)
-1 goby or blenny
You could probably also do one of the dwarf angels (flame, coral beauty) later on.
Having a variety of fish could create a more interesting tank.
Most of the fish above would be fine with most inverts. I confess I dont know much about mixing shrimp since I just have the peppermint ones.


Active Member
u can get a fire shrimp or cleaner shrimp..they go well togther..i suggest a fire shrimp cuz they are brighter then cleaner shrimp or u can get both..
i have 24g tank and i have:
-2 true perc. clowns.
-1 six line wrasse.
-2 cleaner shrimp.
-2 emerald crabs
-3 turbo snails
-4 hermit crabs.
everything goes great together in my tank..
if ur gonna get an anemones u need very bright light ur stanard light will not work..get t-5's or MH's..


*nods at darth* i plan on adding them 1 species at a time once i do put them in, thanks for the reminder though!
A few of the blennys caught my eye (scooter, orange spotted lawnmower, and midas). A fire shrimp or two would definitely look good.
Any idea of an Anemone crab would get along with clownfish or would i have to get more anemones on the opposite side of the tank or something?
went and got a pic (albeit a crappy pic) of my tank
cant quite see it but i added a hydor koralia 1(powerhead) in the corner to stir the water up a bit.


Active Member
tank looks good to start with, but you will want more water circulation in there. you want 10-20x gallons per hour water movement in there to prevent issues. best way would be to put a couple MJ1200's in each corner to get about 600gph to start, then work on getting some more in there if you go to corals.
I would also just double check that your heater is a submersible one. it looks like a visutherm which generally are not supposed to be submerged, but i also could be wrong.
the rockwork is nice and open, sand looks nice :) now just fill it up and enjoy everything :)


Originally Posted by renogaw
I would also just double check that your heater is a submersible one.
i actually spent like 20 min staring at the heater and reading the box/instructions because i wasnt sure of that, then i noticed the 'submersible heater' in the corner of the box so i figured i could.
visitherm products
its one of those, aside from the 'submersible heaters' part in the name i didnt see anything that said either way.


Active Member
good deal, i wish i had bought submersibles. If you want to double check it, the non submersibles have a minimum and a maximum water level mark on the glass.


Active Member
tank looks great..
u might have a hard time feeding the scooter blenny..u'll prolly need a fuge or throw a bunch of copepods and let it sit then throw in the scooter.or u might get lucky and get one that eats frozen food..i'd say get a midas..cuz the lawnmover will prolly run out of hair algea to eat...
man i sound like a a month ago i new nothing about sw tanks..i never even had a freshwater tank...but love this selling my two gas -- cars just to buy some rocks for my new 90g.anyways..great start..