I'm back!


Active Member
It's been a long time. I originally joined because I couldn't set up any tanks and thought disscussing them would be better than nothing. Turns out it was downright heart breaking.

I'm moving in a few weeks and can get things going soon.
The houses electrical system needs updated first though.
I will be setting up a 65 probably as a reef, and a 125 as a fowler.
Anyways, good to be back. I guess I'll head over to the "New Hobbyist" section to post some replies like "12 on and 12 off and the opposite 12 for the fuge".


Active Member
Originally Posted by xDave
I guess I'll head over to the "New Hobbyist" section to post some replies like "12 on and 12 off and the opposite 12 for the fuge".

Welcome Back!