I'm BROKE and need a job!


Active Member
Originally Posted by SiNaLOa213
why the f uck are you gettin pissed off about some people makin a livin to feed a family
sayn they are just mexicans makes it sound like u dont like them or somethin try keepin ur mouth shut next time when they have a job and u dont know what its like comin from a mexican person thats gon thru all that s hit with the immigration and stuff like that
just lettin you all know im mexican soo next time have a little more respect

Whats wrong with being an American First? why not tout American pride, which country are you loyal to anyhow? The US or Mexico?
Slave labor and when someone works for $2.00 hr and those that hire them. Why would you encouraging someone to be paid $2.00 an hour no matter what reason. If its to support ones family then stop having so many kids and you wont have to live in poverty? This is how this game works. The rich get richer and the middle class go away, while the poor get poorer and in greater numbers.
And why would someone want to turn this country into exactly the same thing they are fleeing from? How many free handouts can we give out until our economy collapses and becomes the same as Mexicos economy. I wasnt born in the US and didnt drain the economy when I got here by having 45 kids and receiving free health care and dozens of other handouts. Eventually that $2.00 hr job will get outsourced to someone willing to do it for $1.00 an hour and then elimiated all together by a machine. Then what ? run again, how about the people of Mexico fixing their own Mexican economy instead of running from it. The US did. And the US didnt cause the Mexican economy to fail, Mexico did. Why should the US have to fix them. Stop cursing and start thinking. :thinking:


Wasn't this thread about a kid wanting to fund her own hobby? I feel real bad for you that one of the other members tricked you about a job, that's just wrong! Can't everyone focus on the real subject here? This really isn't the place to be racial, judgemental, rude, offensive and cursing.....This is a forum for questions, answers, classifieds, anything to do with saltwater fish and tanks. I realize this girl made a bad comment, but wouldn't it have been easier and more respectful to all to have just told her that her comment was offensive than to have done the same thing back? We all live in America, this country is made of different races, that's just the way it is. We all are human beings with feelings, pride, underpaid jobs, so on....Everyone eventually has to support a family one way or another, you can't always choose. I am sorry if I offend anyone, that is not my intent. As for the girl looking for a job...... just BE SAFE, keep trying, you will get there.


I also believe that you shouldn't have kids until you have a stable job. I know I'm not going to get married right out of high school and have kids until I have a good job and a house to support my wife and future kids. But the thing is: we (mexicans) take everything tooooooo seriously. thats just the way we are. so I'll forget that this whole thing ever happened and lets just move on.


I think you have your head on straight. You understand what it takes to have a family and provide for them, good for you! There are other races that are hot heads as well, I have many of them in my blood! I understand you defending your heritage, I would as well. I just feel that no one should feel it is ok to make racial comments, if everyone were to look back into their heritage they would find that they also are not 100% American either. Just about everyone's ancestor's came from another country, just about everyone's family consisted of immigrants at one time...... that's what made America. Racial comments are stupid! I feel you are right, it is time to move on. It's good that you calmed down and came back to set yourself straight on the message board. As a parent and a Heinz 57+, thank you.


Beginner46, Have you had any luck yet? I hope so! Just be patient and keep trying. Remember to stay safe though, no amount of money is worth endangering yourself! If something feels weird and uncomfortable for you with an employer or possible employer then trust your gut feeling and don't do it! Good luck, be careful, keep trying, and be patient.