I'm Bugged ??


My 75 is approx. 14 mo. old. When I first turn on the light in morn. just for a short while I get to see a gray bug (I guess)that quickly moves in and out of my live rocks. They will be hidden within approx. 5 min. They are approx. 1/4" long Med. Gray color, quick, have two antennas, several legs under body only maybe 8 to 12. How can I find out what these are? Maybe shrimp? I don't know if fish eat them or what. If these are good for the tank or not. They must like the night. Don't seem to hurt anything whatsoever. I've looked ug bristle worms and these are not the same at all. Ideas????


Active Member
welcome aboard, these are most likely pods, good fish food and cleaners both, signs of a good tank


Active Member
Go to the reef message board, there's been a lot of good stuff on pods there lately, pics and web links