I'm Building a 72bow Stand!!!


It's hard to tell but the doors are cut out, but I made them flushed with the front so it looks like one piece. I'll be putting the knobs on once the stain is done.


Looks great I love the vertical boards but I don't know about the hood scoop on the Isuzu
just j/k look very professional :yes:


stand looks great. im getting ready to setup a 90b/f and debating buying a stand or building one. how much was the project to complete. also how difficult was it to bend in front? thanks


Well the bend in the front was cut that way. I traced the tank on a piece of plywood and used it as my template. Imo, I think building is better, yea its a pain and consumes alot of time but when your done its all worth it. Plus the stands that you buy in the stores seem to be kinda cheepy. I don't think I spent over 200.00 on this stand.


Beautiful stand. I can hardly wait to see the canopy. I like the appearance of your stand much better than that of the commerical stands I've seen. Good job!


Active Member
Very nice work!!!!!
Nice design. Personally I would have gone with a lighter color stain...but to each his own! I especially like the vertical slat design.
I totaly agree with your comment about building your own. I just built a stand for my 125 (got a post here entitled Just built a custom 125 stand) and loved the experience.....and hated it at the same time. Nothing worse than needing one more 90 elbow bracket at 10pm on Sat night and not having one!!!!


Actually its not as dark as it looks.....its more like a cherry oak stain. I saw your thread as I was hunting for ideas before I built mine, very nice


Active Member
Originally Posted by ballyhoo
Actually its not as dark as it looks.....its more like a cherry oak stain. I saw your thread as I was hunting for ideas before I built mine, very nice

Awww, shucks.
Thanks. Even though cherry is still a little dark for my taste, it is still a gorgeous stand!!!!!!!

Ideas for future stands are forming..... :thinking: