I'm Building a 72bow Stand!!!


I have a 29g tank
about how much would it cost for me to build myself a stand??
and what about a price if i built a canopy??
not meaning to take your thread just wanted some input from an expert like yourself w/o starting a thread with some not so important questions like those...


Originally Posted by shiby1510
I have a 29g tank
about how much would it cost for me to build myself a stand??
and what about a price if i built a canopy??
not meaning to take your thread just wanted some input from an expert like yourself w/o starting a thread with some not so important questions like those...
Well you have to factor in many things.
1. How well you work with wood. (wrong cuts, wrong measurements etc...)
2. Design (how complicated you really want to make it.)
3. Kind of material (what kind of wood do you want to use)
4. How much time you have at your disposal.
5. Is it really worth pissing off da wife for a week or two with all that noise and cursing and trips to the hardware store cause you just got a new idea, and when she calls you you'll say I'll be there in a minute and 2 hours go by and your still not in the house, or you get off work early just to work on the stand thinking that you'll have a little peace and quiet with out someone down you back like the wife cause she is still working, but then she starts calling you on the cell phone and after the first 3 times you decide to turn off your phone so you can get something done, but noooooooooo she doesn't understand that, she wants to argue when she gets home about how your not paying attention to her anymore and how every since you've gotten that damn fish tank all you do is come home and look at it all day and then she says " AND NOW YOUR BUILDING A STAND TOO" she then adds "I wish you would look at me the way you look at your fish" You then stand there and wonder Is this really worth it?!?!?!
I say hell yea! :hilarious
my stand set me back about $175.00 when it was all said and done for.


Active Member
:hilarious :hilarious
You and I had the same experience I guess!!! I only had 6 trips to the store (not including 2 trips to return things I didn't use).


I was trying to answer shiby's question but I think it sturred up some emotions! I just hope it doesn't come to a point to where she will say "Its me or the tank!" I would have to choose the tank because IMO I would think that it would be easier to move da wife than a 72g tank full of rock and coral!


.. you better not hope that one day she isn't on the computer and sees a saltwaterfish link and clicks it and sees this!! hahah!


Active Member
Originally Posted by ballyhoo
"Its me or the tank!"

I am gonna miss you babe....... BTW very nice looking stand!!!



Originally Posted by zman1
I am gonna miss you babe....... BTW very nice looking stand!!!
OH NO!!! Busted!


I guess not everyone can enjoy the beauty of a well made, well designed stand and canopy!!! Excellent work!!! You can tell that you enjoyed making the stand... it shows in your workmanship. Nice warm cherry color!! Thanks for sharing.