Im Devastated!


Active Member
Ok the reason i put up a second tank was because i wanted to be able to keep A flame angel. And i already had a coral beauty in my 125. ( thats what i told my wife anyway) and its a lot of truth, But anyway i came home today and she is gone... all i found was her skeleton. Now its either got to be my Lunar wrasse or my green Brittle star. because she was as healthy as could be 2 days ago when i saw her last. Please help. Im honestly devastated . She was my Very fav. Fish . Thanx


How are the other fish? Water checked out ok? I am sorry for you that stinks. You would have noticed if the wrasse was hasseling the angel. I doubt it wouldnt have just happened overnight. Any chance you may have a mantis in there? I dont know what to say other than I am sorry, Carrie


Active Member
The other fish are ok, but ive lost 2 shrimp in the past 2 weeks. the Wrasse does pick on the other ones but not terrible. todd


Todd sorry to hear about your angel. I am having a bad day myself here. I have a clown that I love because she has the best personality and today she has a pretty bad case of ICH. I can't catch her and I am affraid that she will only get worse thru the night. I have had a few spots here and there on my other fish but nothing that garlic, vitamins and cleaner shrimp have not taken care of. The only thing with this clown is she will not allow the shrimp near her
Now as for yours it just sucks when we loose something for no apparent reason :confused: Hoe things get better...good luck


Active Member
Thanx to you all! Very much. But there is a little good news now. i had just got a fish trap in yesterday. And about 20 minutes ago i caught the Wrasse!!!!!!!!! Im pretty sure hes the culpret. I put him in my QT till tomorrow , and ill take him to my LFS then and see what they will do. That was the best 17.00 $ ive ever spent. Im almost 100 % about it being the wrasse. Plus he was always killing my snails.
As for you Itchy i hope the best for your little clown. Get you a fish trap! mine really worked out good. I put it in the tank overnight open so the fish would get used to it, then put some frozen Mysid shrimp in it.! about 30 minutes later, he swam right in it, and i slammed the door on him!!
Thanx Scoob!! Long time no hear from you, hope your doing well. Im about to post a few pics from my 70 tonight. go check em out.
And thanx again Ssweat1. I appreciate it.


Active Member
Looking into a RO DI unit but have no idea what to get or what to even look for other than to get one that does less than 75gpd. My tank was fine using tap water with just fish but since I got my new lights and corals I'm getting alot of brown specks on my sand which I am assuming is from the tap water. Email me a over the weekend if you have any suggestions. I'm looking at that auction site and hoping to find one for $100-150. Thanks.
Good luck with the wrasse. And again, sorry about your flame.


Active Member
Im not positive about green stars but I think they are known fish killers and for your flame to be killed and picked to the bone in one day could by a clue. Any way sorry about the flame. Might be a good idea to get rid of the wrasse too any way. I had a twinspot hog wrasse that I had to get rid of cause it allways ha wrassed my six line and gobies.


Active Member
IMO, the green brittlestar would not catch and eat a fish the size of a coral beauty. The lunar wrasse (aka "lunatic wrasse") would almost certainly kill shrimp (and I might add posed a real threat to any other invert including the brittlestar). I've seen a lunare wrasse methodically kill yellow tangs within a few hours - ate the eyes out. Not a nice fish, IMO. Definitely some are fine and some are not, but always a potential risk, IMO. Not a "community" fish in anyway, IMO.
Anyway, I don't believe the green brittle is responsible for the fish loss. Might have taken part if it died, but didn't kill it.


New Member
Sorry to hear about your loss, we feel your pain. Same thing just happened to us. Everything was/seemed fine and then all the sudden, "Where's the Beauty?". All other tankmates are fine (mated pair Clarkiis, Neon Dotty, cleaner shrimp and misc.). A day or two after a water change is when we really got concerned. Thought maybe she was just spooked, but we havent seen her for a week. At this point we were thinking maybe the dotty was being aggressive (we didnt notice any) or the brittle(black/red) may have had a hand in it. But I suspect that the brittle may have only been doing its "job". We haven't seen any bones or anything as of yet, so we're still keeping a little hope up. Good luck in your next endeavor.