Im fixing to start aclimating some new fish any tips.

New Member
I am sixing to start aclimating some new guys any last tips brefore I start would be a big help.
6 seperately baged fish can I combine the 6 in one bucket then start a drip? They all came from "saltwaterfish"


Ohhh you must be sooo excited!!
What kind of fishes are you acclimating?
Depending on what it is, you may be able to combine, if you have any starfishes, do it slowly - extra slowly.
Remember to do it in a dim lit area, less stressful for the fishies!!


New Member
Saltwater fish has a great section, but here is my advice, and I learned it the hard way.
Do you have your QT set up? I hope you do.
Set up the atmosphere. Dim the lights, play some jazz, light some candles...erm, just dim the lights.
Then, start with the more delicate of your fish. I assume that you have been floating the packets for 25 minutes. Then find yourself a good clothes peg, peg your packet inside a bucket, and start dripping. Rate of 15-20 drops per minute has worked well for me for fish, though I'd go slower for inverts. Observe fish. Increase rate of drip if fish do not show signs of distress. Slow down if they are. You can drip multiple bags of fish this way, if you have the tubing. I really do not advise putting all your fish in one bucket as they are already stressed and that will aggravate it even more.
When you have dripped approx half a cup of aquarium water into your bag, empty out half a cup of water from the bag. Keep dripping, replacing, emptying until the bag contains aquarium water, and not bag water. Net out the fish and place it in tank. If it is a clownfish or the like, use a specimen jar (cheek spines). Do not put the lights in your aquarium on today. If possible keep the lights around the aquarium low for the entire day.
It might seem like an effort, but whenever I have followed this, I have had better adjusted fish in the morning.

New Member
they are floting as we speek.
So dont dump the contents of a bag in a bucket and start drip.
Your saying drip in the travel bag.


New Member
I'd say drip in the bag. The less movement from container to container, the better, IMO. Besides, all those fish in close confines during such a stressful period is not going to be fun (like 6 or more fish plus a starfish in your bucket)
Nice selection of fish there St. Have fun! Drip slower for the star. I have heard rates as low as 6 drops a minute for them..!!!