I'm going brain dead!


New Member
So I have a 75 gallon reef tank w/ mostly shrooms, zoas, frogspawns and fish of course, but I also have two brain corals that are slowly dying. Everything else is doing great! but my brains, they're slowly dying week by week. I use phyto, kent calcium a and b, and kent marine essentials. I do regualar water changes and use chemi-pures, but i do not have a calc reactor or a phosban reactor. Are these reactors what I am missing???? Please HELP ME!! before i give them back to the fish store so they don't die....


Active Member
Can you post what type of lighting you have as well as your water parameters? Also, do you have any fish (like angels) that have been picking on it?
You don't need a caclium or phosphate reactor, I don't think that's the problem.


New Member
I have two 250watt MH and a PC flourescent light. we run the halides for 4 to 5 hours per day, and the tank is next to the window so it gets a lot of sweet florida sunshine. I'll get the water parameters for ya tom. Oh I have one coral beauty. I've never seen him pick at them, but then again, they kind of look worse since i've had him... I'll keepa closer eye on him and get the water tested!
Thanks a lot!