Im Going Nuts


Active Member
everyone is saying to get a community tank, but i keep coming back to this forum, so i feel like my heart is in the aggressive setups.
if i would to get
a moray eel(zebra or snowflake)
maybe a trigger(niger)
a wrasse
a tang
an imperator angel
and a puffer
i have a 180 gallon tank with 200 lbs of live rock and 290 pounds of live sand. i have a few questions now
1 - would i be able to have a cleanup crew of any sort?
2 - would all those fish go well together?
3 - is there a type of fish i should just not get all together as a beginner?
4 - is this tank going to be hard to keep being that im new
5 - are these fish gonna kill each other, and give me stress that i have a fish that's gonna eat 500 dollars worth of fish?
6 - are these fish going to make a nice looking tank or will they all be hiding leaving me with rock to look at until it's feeding time?
sorry for all these posts on what to do with my tank, but my tank is almost cycled out and i still have no clue what to put in it. SOMEONE SAVE ME FROM MYSELF.


Active Member
1. Don't think that you'll be able to get any sort of cleanup crew. The eel, grouper, and puffer would take care of any sort of cleaner you add.
2. You will probably want to reconsider the tang and angel. They need very good water quality, and thats hard to do with an aggressive tank. Also the puffer and lion combo may be a problem. Sometimes puffers will nip at the fins on the lionfish. I would also recommend going with a snowflake eel. They tend to be more peaceful, and stay on the small side.
3. For a beginner I would again suggest that you not get a tang or angel.
4. If you leave out the tang, and angel this tank would not be that difficult to maintain. The order that you add the fish is also something that you'll want to research more.
5. These fish should be O.K., but groupers can get very large. Something to take into consideration. Also try to add the fish about the same size. Anything that the grouper can fit into his mouth will become lunch.
6. The grouper, puffer, and lionfish are not that active. The only time I ever see my lion and puffer is when they think it's feeding time. Groupers will stay hidden most of the time. Puffers are nocturnal and tend to be really active at 1st light, and just before lights out.


Right on about what StacyT said. Don't get any tangs or angels (especially an emperor angel) for now as they require matured tanks.
I don't see too many problems with having an aggressive setup, although you have to do frequent water changes because aggressives are messy eaters and your nitrates will jump.
Feeding lionfishs at first may be a problem. But, if your lucky as I was when I got my volitan, they will accept frozen foods like silversides, krill, and other seafoods found in the seafood mix bags in supermarkets.
Also, research the fish first before getting them. Some of the fish you mentioned get quite big, and others need lots of swimming space (imperator, tang)